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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

4H 2 SEATS spring assembly is properly engaged to seat A back frame and cardboard breakover foundation f B is properly positioned prior to hog ringing een tral portion of trim in place r 4 a A l A L J i i J REAR SEAT CUSHION ASSEMBLY tt i J R I V emovu t V W A e i g siggw h M e LJ 1 Push lower forward edge of cushion rearward w p x H Q1 and pull cushion upward until protrusions on seat r p bottom frame disengage from floor pan stops sem josHtOr1 sPt1 NG HOG RWG5 im 2 Pull cushion forward and carefully remove from body Fig 4H2 Front Sect Cushion To Front Seat Bock Spring Attachment Instullulion foundation to expose seat cushion spring attachment 1 Cqrefuuv lift Cushion into bod to qvmd to seat back frame along rear of seat and hog d u I wii1 adjacent trim V I I L 7 rings securing ends of seat back trim to seat k b bOttOm fume See F1g 4H2 2 Position rear edge of cushion under rear seat back assembly 4 At each end of seat remove hog rings securing UWM edge af Seat back tum from Seat bottom 3 Center protrusions on seat bottom frame with frame Then raise seat back trim to expose bolts Stops On Hom pin qssemblv securing seat back reinforcement to seat bottom name SEQ 4H3 IMPORTANT lf seat bottom frame protrusions are not properly centered in relation to floor 5 Bend Open mbg Securmg Seat Cushwn Sprmg pan stops proper engagement and placement of assembly to seat back frame and carefully dis Cushion wmbe Qxtreniellw diHicu1t engage springs from tabs See 4H2 i 4 Push forward edge of cushion rearward and 6 Place seat assembly in upright position Then downward umu p1 Ou SiOnS 31 9 prcperlv Engaged with a helper holding seat back assembly remove behind BOOT pim stOpS seat back reinforcenient to seat bottom frame at taching bolts on each side of seat and remove scat back assembly REAR SEAT BACK ASSEMBLY 7 To install reverse removal procedure Removal and lnsmuumn NOTE Make certain rear edge of seat cushion 1 Remlwe rem Seat Cusmlm assembly R 2 At bottom of the seat back on all styles r I except convertibles bend out the two tabs that A A Q secure the seat back to the floor panel On con K gt vertibles remove the two screws securing the 5EM MU seat back to the floor panel and at back of seat a f BOLTS Q tt 1 m0V SCTQWS securing folding top compartment vj L 6 side trim panels to seat back assembly r U we v 3 Pull seat back assembly out at bottom until 9 A U seat back clears body tabs then raise seat back t K i upward until disengaged from hangers on the seat at ii back panel support Y 4 Remove seat back assembly from body Fig 4H3 Fr nt Sent Buck Attachment 5 To install reverse removal procedure