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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

SEATS 4H 3 making certain that all attaching body tabs and hangers have industrial body tape applied to them 4 s I to att as an anti squeak BUCKET TYPE FRONT SEATS If II I DESCRIPTION INNER HINGE ARM II I I cover scrazw All seat atljusters are bolted to the seat bottom YI I rrrrr I II Iy r I I lt cl t III I rame owever a com ina ion o Jo s an a I I II V taching nuts are used to retain the adjusters to w II if 27 I I J rr I the floor pan assembly II A r M I I I BUCKET SEAT ASSEMBLY MANUAL I IT har V I DRIVER OR PASSENGER S SIDE T J L r T ro rrrr I rI I I x EI I M Removal und Installation rv TTT HINGE ARM rrr l Operate seat assembly to forward position RETA NER L WASH VVVVI rrrr INNER HING 2 Turn back floor carpeting sufficiently to ex E Hm ARM COVER pose seat adjuster to floor pan attaching nuts Fig 4H5 Bucket Sect Bock Inner Hinge Ann 3 Remove adIuster to tloor pan rear attaching nuts attaching nuts Check seat adjusters for proper 4 Operate seat assembly to rearward position operation 5 At front of seat loosen ad uster to floor Jan FRONT SEAT BACK ASSEMBLY I 1 attaching bolts Remcvul und nsI II II n 6 Carefully slide seat assembly rearward until front of adjusters have been removed from under 1 Using a flat bladed tool carefully remove front attaching bolts then remove seat assembly T9 U TTOUI inner and 0 t hmge PUT Fig 4H4 from body NOTE On 11 000 Series remove screw se 7 To install reverse removal procedure Check CUFUIQJ hinge Um COVGY FTE 4H5 md 1 0V that adjusters are properly engaged under front COVGYQ htm K m0V IYIIWF mmf Pm l 9t9 m I floor pan attachments prior to installing rear 2 Carefully disengage inner and outer front seat back hinge arms from pins then remove seat back assembly from body I i jr 3 To install reverse removal procedure Prior A HI to installation of back assembly be sure inner I gl and outer washers are installed over hinge pins Lgt IIII II If I I H In addition inspect hinge arm retainers If re II III IIII I I II I io lI jU I tainers are damaged replace retainers using new E g1 JI Iqf parts I I e I I I uT HINGE ARM FRONT sem ADJUSTERS No mY DRIVER OR PASSENGER MANUAL rrrr It J T K RETAIN ER Removal nd Insrallulion WASHER 1600 1 Remove front seat assembly as previously described and place upside down on a clean pro Fig 4H4 Iaucm Set II Bock Rem y I tevted Surface