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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

EXTERIOR MOLDINGS 1I l The exterior moldings are identified in Figures individual molding are not described on the Moldr 4KB 4K4 and 4K5 These figures illustrate and ing Removal Chart the following information is identify all exterior moldings common to body type given to permit a satisfactory sealing operation 2 door 4 door and Station Wagon and not Body Series or Styles The molding chart identifies each Mediuiii bodied sealer or body caulking compound molding to a specific Body Style and or series are the sealers most frequently used to provide a watertight seal or for anti rattle measures The moldings are secured to the body by any one or a combination of the following attachments Holes in body panels for screws bolts or clips V that would permit water to enter the interior of the 3 attaching SCFBWS body should be sealed with body caulking compound or presealed screws nuts or clips b bolt and clip assemblies with attaching nuts Drip moldings require a 1 V4 bead of medium 0 integral studs with attaching nuts bodied sealer along the full length of the inner at taching surface d bath tub type snap on clips e snap in clips TOOLS AND CARE l lgm 4K2 llluslmtes typlclll lllmclllllents Ol The following groups of moldings are listed with lJO ly E XlEl lOl mUl llllgs the name or description of the tool which is suitable for molding removal Before using the molding charts the following I information will be helpful when installing or re ROM DNP SCBIPS 1 01 t dh0Okt001 moving exterior moldings Snap On Clips 7 thin fl iit bladed tool putty knife 1 Screw locations the exact location for each r screw is not shown or mentioned but when hidden U It is C S Y te l l H d 1 1 b th the generlll location ls lndlcatgcl by lmmlllg the tub molding clip use the following procedure for molding or other part which conceals the screw and I OV 1 and installiitilmi therefore must be removed to gain access to the Scl l Insert sharp edge of flat bladed tool such as putty knife under edge of clip and hammer tool 2 When a molding is overlapped the overlapping mlm WSE Of CUP is cut i11 1 1 0Ximi1t 1Y ildlf 8TF molding is indicated in the Engages with other U h FiQi 4K1 th 1 1i5 r12 Hx1H Clip from hole molding column and must be removed first NOTE In some cases it may be necessary to GENERAL PRECAUTIONS cut clip at opposite end of base also When removing or installing any body exterior molding certain precautions should be exercised CLLPS 1 Adjacent finishes should be protected with 7 o lyk to t l masking tape to prevent damage to finish vg l 2 Proper tools and care should be employed to l s l I guard against molding damage Q i l 5 Q I SEALING OPERATION r l i Although detailed sealing operations for each Fig 4Kl Remov l ot Bqrh Tub Type Clip