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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

5C 2 FRONT END ENGAG will service the installation of the windshield glass E POINT OF TOOL F I BEHIND EDGE OF CLIP on the short method only Kit Components x A One tube of Adhesive Caulking Material ii i i rirrrr 7 rr B 0 ZZ1 V rr r V L e r I KEEP in ns SURFACE OF i C Steel music wire TOOL FLAT A ON GLASS r a PUSH TOOLQ 7 V4 STRAIGHT ly rv D Adhesive Caulking Primer For priming old caulkina material on pinchweld flanges Vx TI J 2 5 2 l Aatinmnai ivizttermi Required WT T7 A Caulking gun standard household type re ROCK TOOL SLIGHTLY me worked as described in step i lO of extended method installation procedure Fig 5C3 Reve Molding Clip Disengugenient Gnd Tool B Two pieces of wood for wire handles C Paint Finish Primer service part used WINDSHIELD REVEAI MOI DINGS Ollly on extended method The windshield reveal r11olcl1i g 1CQliSiS of l llllfqfy NOTE gn the extended method installation two we ml M edge MI W dmee All Hy L kits of material will be massa Y iD properly ings are secui ed to tl1e vundshie d openinb by L ips msmu the glass due to the Hdditmnal materml R I dl H required to compensate for removal of all old emovu an ns G G mn material around the windshield opening The L PIECE protective COVm mg Over hood and from necessary service parts and adhesive caulking Enders materials may be obtained through the regular service parts channels Tl1e service procedures 2 Remove Windshield Wipe 3 1 mS must bei performed as specrified to inifire a watertigt and proper winds ie d insta ation 3 Using reveal molding clip diseiigaging tool J 21549 2 Fig 5C3 remove upper sides and lewer uwldinegs WINDSHIELD REMOVAL 4 To install reverse removal p1 0C6dll IMPORTANT When the windshield glass is originally installed a sponge type filler sealing strip is applied to the inside surface ofthe glass WINDSHIELD GLASS ADHESIVE CAULKED WINDSHIELD INSTALLATION This concept of windshield installation incor porates a synthetic rubber compound Windshield Adhesive Caulking Material i11 place of the rubber 1 channel wl1ich requires an entirely different re l l rw moval and installation service procedure Two 2 l l methods of windshield removal and installation are r described i11 the following procedure The extended M fl V i meth t of removal and installation requires re V f ff moval of all adhesive caulking material from the jwi windshield opening and glass The short method requires the removal of the l rrrr r I TTNH V adhesive caulkmg material from the glass only Il HM The caulking material caulking tube nozzle cutting i wire a11d the adhesive caulking primer are fur nished in a Kit 4226000 or equivalent This kit Fig 5C4 Cuni g Through Adhesive Cqulking Mqieriql