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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

FRONT END 5C 3 C I iiiii I frrr T t V I Q f i 7 5 4 I 7ln rr V r A VXA sit n r n q t if V IT W I t W ni rst l1 r s B I 1 4 A SPACERS A SPACERS SPACERS 2 REQUIRED I 3 REQUIRED f4 REQUIRED u it rrrrr C do A or i we vn L rr i a J 6 VIEW A VIEW B VIEW C uma Fig 5C5 WindsIwieId GI ss Rubber Spacers prior to application of adhesive caulking ma through caulking material at lower inside corner terial For service windshield replacements the of windshield along side of glass surface then sealing strips are not required and will not be secure other end oi wire to another piece of wood available as a service part handle NOTE When replacing a windshield glass using 6 1 I i I r the short method the sealing strip must be WT U E 1p 1 Ipilfilllly Lu wml Sw trimmed from the adhesive material in the body Wtm Flmue mu km mdtelmh up we Sld Oi OPQMHQ forAwoodappeumucgl windshield across top down opposite side and across bottom of windshield Fit BC 4 Make sure The windshield removal procedure will be the inside wire is held close to plane of glass toprc Same fm Or m mOd vent cutting an excessive amount of adhesive eaulk 1 Place protective coverings over front seat gmtfamal ITT gh WQ m dlOp m g instrument panel hood and front fenders gu 9 Mmmp XS le Y XO Cm tm msue MFE close to the plane of the glass with one hand while 2 Remove inside gms nioiriiiigs and rear gl gl 1 WE y f j I Afi r y g View mu 1 m Suppmm ie at Aiesive ma eria mounc entiie pezime ei 0 windshield remove glass and place on a protected 3 Remove windshield wiper arms bench Or huldmg hXtuY 4 Remove lower side and upper windshield WINDSHIELD INSTALLATION reveal moldings 5 0RT METHOD 5 Secure one end of steel music wire to apiece 1 The short method of windshield glass in of wood for Handle Fig 5C4 Insert end of wire stallation involves the removal of a minimum of