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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

5C 4 FRONT END N J VV V V EF I E i r V V e I T y ff r T ALIGNMEM TAPE TApE ii ROM EDGE i Yfgial p p Y V 7 rh im Til t V i t t ai i Fig 5C8 Win IshieId Gluss I smIl ri Fig 5C6 indslwielct GI ss Alignmem ro Opening 4 Apply 2 wide masking tape along front of adhesive oaulking compound when cutting the glass lllstrumeut Panel APPIY 2 WWE miisklilif NP9 UI fyqm the body Opening hOWEVE l M XOOSQ pieces inside windshield pillars and across front edge of Oi H ihE SivC umterwi O1 Sealing Strip nmterml headlining to assist in clean up after installation should be left around the windshield opening Fig C7 2 Inspect reveal molding retaining clips for 5 Carefully apply 1 wide niasking tape around damage replace if necessary and seal Cement E tU D 1 lm t91 of inside SU1 fH of li 4 two rubber spacers 4871330 or equivalent to inboard from outer edge of glass to facilitate lower rabbct of windshield at location HA Figure Cl an up after installation Fig 5C8 BC5 6 Using a clean lint free cloth briskly rub a 3 Dhoe Uhqs in Opening Shim 1 lSq Qp LCE rq generous amount of adhesive caulking primer on as HQCESSRW m pmp riv align glass to Opgmmy the freshly cut material in the windshield opening Check relationship of glass contour to windshield opening Glass should rest on adhesive caulking CAUTION D0 lmt Mew P1 lm 1 YO ilI OP ml material Gap spaces may be filled by applying lmmtEd Surmces OYtl U l additional caulking material to glass at gap loca tion Mark position of replacement windshield glass 7 Wipe surface of glass to which bead of ad to body windshield pillars with masking tape or hesive caulking material will be applied between cqiiivalent for proper alignment of elass to opening at time of installation Fig 5C6 NOZZLE IN KIT Remove glass and place on protected bench or W holdint fixture lf original glass is to be re K installed remove old caulking material from glass 4V r l with sharp scraper or razor blade Remove re Q 0 Z tl maining traces with toluene or thinner dampened YV Cinih V rrrr V V V NOTE DO img use On msg sOiv iit Any oil will r Y i VV rrrrrr YJVD r errr prevent adhesion of new caulking material to AV i I glass QL F l c V I i VVV 2 f ftw i fw 5 i t in If TAPE UQ 7 lp 3 ADI Iesnve FROM EDGE Jr CAULKING MATERIAL i 3 a g 3 i 4 1 i ew i E t ri x AP TLY f ee AS IJ OP EI l t 3 v m i I 8 TO 3 16 z i Z DIA BEAD V i xpm tw V A t was C I dl tra m a Fig 5C9 Adhesive Cuulking M reii I Applimrion Fig 5C7 App ic ti n of Tape to Body Opening Sl ion Merhgd