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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

FRONT END 5C 5 masking tape and edge 0f glass with 2 clean 14 Remove masking tape from inside Qui glass w 1tse1 cl 1mpe ued cloth Dry glass with A clean dry and windshield opsning clwtlx 15 Install upper and lower reveal moldings 8 R mOV CHD and Pi Ot CtlV end CUVQY from inside garnish moldings and previously l G1llOVECl tube 01 adhesive cuulkiug nmteriul and install pm S rghmn up my gud 1 gmgvg pyotggtwe unzzle Insert Tube mtu reworked household type COVEX mgS cuulkiug gllll described in step 10 fO1 extended ixmstullgtiuxx WINDSHIELD INSTALLATION NOTE Nozzle is rut properly fur short method EXTENDED METHQD bend The extended adhesive caulkad windshield in 9 Apply 3 suwoth contiuurms bead 0f adhesive sigallution method should be used only in conjuuctiou caulkiug material to inside surface nf glass next with gm installation requiring complete replacement t0 edge c mp1e tely umuud glass Fig SC9 Ma 0 udhcsive caulkiug umteriul terixxl should be l 8 t0 3 HG in diameter NOTE Two kits uf material are required for the IMPORTANT The operation 0f installing wind extended method shield glass into the npeuiug should be r mp1 2t d within 15 minutes from start of gxpplivaxtimx of Using ix sharp scraper O1 wood chisel reumves material t0 glass mrxjor portion uf adhesive czaulkiug material from body pimzhweld flange 10 With uid of helper lift glass with one hand lm outside 01 glass and cme hand cm inside ui glass NOTE It not uecsssaxry t0 Glenn off all old Cilrciully move glass up t0 windshield opemiug rxmlking material c 0mpl tc ly frmu body opening maintaining glass in A horizontal position While however there should nat be any loose plseces one msu holds glass in this position the secmud nf cuulkiug x111tex ial left in the opeuiug mzxn can reach around the wmdshield pillar aud hold glass then first 111i111c u yeeimh around wind 1 inspect all reveal molding retaining clips for shield pillar Fig SC8 Carefully position glass damage replace if necessary into opening maxkiug ce1 t uu that glass is properly c c211tc1 ecl in opening and positioned on lower 2 Cement two rubber spacers 4421823 or spacers Use mpcprevicuslyapplied0uwindshie ld equivalent to upper windshield flange amd two pillars to properly align glass F1 5CG rubber spacers 4421823 ur equivalent to wind shield pillars View J Fig 5C5 Cement two ll Press glass firmly to set caulking1u 1tc 1 i l rubber spacers 4871330 or equivalent tu lower User caution to avoid excessive squeeze out uf windshield opening View A Fig 5 I5 Cement mutsriul three rubber spacers 4421823 01 equivalent tm lower windshield flange View B Fig BC5 l2 Inspect installation fur proper seal between new caulkiug material dud original material lf a 3 Position replacement windshield glass in body gap is encountered apply sufficient cilulking ma opening Carefully check relationship 0f glass to terial to fill the void Ou inside 0f body run 1 flat body opening The distance between the inside sur stick around piuvhwelcl flanges to push excess mcs of the glass cmd body should not be less than 1 ulk111g material bavk tum opening between glass 3 l6 This glass should have 3 B overlap around und flanges the entire opening Where necessary tc obtain proper spacing shim spacers us required Mark position 0f glass 011 glass nucl windshield pillars N TE 5 Svcmu WPS mw be used with masking tape Oy Equmm ff l 1 O OX Ltllgfll when removing 01 installing the windshield glass ment Oi gm s tO Opening M time Of msmlmtimk l Wwtertest windshield immediitely usixw cold Rem UWB glass and place on t t l bench ml holding fixture water spray It any wlaterlenks are encountered use llut blndedn SC41 Wd lV 3l pr SUCK Mid work 4 Clem mmm inner surface of glass carefully cuulkmg material mm luuli pomt t0 correct leak Apply In Wide masking mpg Mound entire pgrimetm This OpOl 3 tlOll may be p rl0rn1 cif1 01n outside the Of msid Surface Of glass 1 J4 mbOa1 dfrOm Outer bOdY edge of glass t0 eliminate e x s2ssive clean up time after installation CAUTION Dm not run u heavy stream mi water direvtly 011 mulking mxxterial while the material 5 If original glass is to be reiust 1lla d renmvc is still soft 01d caulklug material from glass with sharp