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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

5C 8 FRONT END BODY VENTILATEON The b i d TTVTTYTLTTTTTT SBTSYBUT ll U01 l T1 t i UW US T0 instzall apply a generous bead et medium of an dir intake grille which is a det 1eli iblepart Tmdigd SETTTCTT TT flmygg Oy Tum Assembly FT of the upper shruud panel The air entering the 5Cl2 and reverse removalprocedure I shroud tmp grille flmvs through a duet which guides the air inte the body through a Sll1 l TUd side duet panel and air outlet assembly The dryer in the out SHROUD p5 ATR OUTLET DOOR let assembly regulates the flew ni air und is ad justed by the use ui TT eahle and knub e Tntr Tl which R9m T T und TMTBTTUTTOH is aitauhetl tm the shroud side trim panel uer entering the air inlet grille llTTTws dT wn the shroud 1 Remove outlet grille Fig 213 side duct panel and is rliseharged inte the tmnt end el the r iT Dkerp lT1uls The rueker panels euntisin 3 DTSCOHMTCT CTTTTTITOT Table Tum dm TFT upenings at the rear end fur drainage 5Cl2T L SHROUD STD TRIM PANEL AND AW OUTLET 3 Press drawn on upper dnur hinge pin Fig DUCT ASSEMBY T3CJ12 and remove deer assembly R d 4 T0 install reverse removal proeeclure l With is tlat bladed tmal such as a flat sere TT driver pry the TjTutlet grille from the asseml ly Fig SHRGUD SIDE AIR OUTLET DOOR BCTST CONTROL CABLE 2 Rexnnve screws nttaeiiims trim and Tluct as R T d I S H semblv tu shroud l Remove uutlet grille 3 l eni n e sill plnte 2 Disconnect Fable 0n diner 4 Remove trim panel T0 hinge pillar attnvlnng 3 Remsve retainer securing contrnl assembly screw TFig 5Cl3T Luldremuve assembly to trim Janel Fig 5ClZ and remove control l assembly T TTTT i ii Tniv 4 To install rev TS r v 11 TT dT T T PRESS T Tr 1 DOWN je T T s J T T T i eT i T T TT TT TT T I TT TTTTTTA T T T T TT T V T QT T T TTT T 4gT V TW T T T TT T T i TTT T TT T T T T T V TT T TT T T T T TTT I TT M T ETLTT r LT LT F T T TTT T T T T H T TTT T t i T TTT TT TT T T T T TT TT T T V TTTT TTT upnen TRTM PANELT T T T T T TT T WTTTLET fw TT TTT TTTT T0 HINGE PITLAR T T T T T AT TT TT T T T TTF T TT TjT T TTTTATTACT TTNG 5CREW T f T T T T TT T T TTTFTTTTTT T T R TA JEF T T T T Q T TTT T T TT T T T 7 F T7 T T TT T T T TT T TTTT TT TTTTT TT T TT TT T T T T T T T T TT TTTTTT TTTTTTTT T TT TT T T T TT TT T T TT T TTTT T T TT T TT Tri TT T T TTT xT T TT TSTMQTT LT TTTTTTT T T T T TT TT M VT 11 7 T T T e rrr M T A J i T T T DUCT ATTACTTINQ SCREWS T 5rE l QW T M TTT w s s sl m WT 5CT2 STTT TT T Sule TJT GTTTT il TTTT TT T 1 PTT 5 CT3 TTmTJT T Side Tam PMC T wd DUCT A gTTTT TTTT