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Body Service Manual August 1964 |

SC 10 FRONT END FRONT COMPARTMENT Eai h front rsornpartment lid hinge assembly em Adiuslmenli ploys the use of an iiidividuzil torque rod which acts as L OUllLG1 l Cll lll E and 1ir 1t1 open my the nd 1 To Miiust fwut 0 i rt i t 1idf 1 W 11 d J1 rearward or from side to side in body opening Notches are provided in the torque rod retainer IOUSBU hinge to UPDET SUYOUCI UTIBCUUTE DUNS ut for adjustment of the rods The front compartment GMU hinge imd adjust lid its Tgqulredi then tl ht U lid lock assembly is a side action snap bolt UOIYS F12 SCN mechanism equipped with a safety latch and is attached to the support on the front end panel The 2 TO Hdlust thc hd ul OT 1 w at UUE OY l i1th End nf the pwk Hgseminy HMS as 3 gum by Entering sides install slums between the hinge strap and the striker when the lid is closed To open the lid lid HS fOu0W the key must be turned partially to the right to unlocl the look and then turned further to the right A TO TMS Year Edge Of hd at hmge MYR Plwe 1 uu1 kth Safety p m h shim between hinge strap and lid inner panel at rear attaching bolt Fig 5C16 A single seetion cement on type front compart nient weatlitmstrip is used on all styles B TO IOWEY Year Edge U1 hd at mug Hwa lllime shim between hinge strap and lid inner panel at front attaching bolt Fig 5C1G FRONT COMPARTMENT LID 3 Cheek front compartment lid lock engagement with striker Removal nd Installation FRONT COMPARTMENT LID TORQUE RODS 1 Open lid and place protective covering over surfaees of front compartment opening to prevent J gilgzgmi qui rieililolfll fwd 1 St 11 1t1f L1 Fool daniage to painted surfaces l is cesignet o iemnie 1ep ace or xese tension tor one or both rods without removing the v 2 Scribe lmumrm M hinge Straps On hd hmm front comp artnient lid This douhle ended toollis panel designed with 1 different end for right and lett side of body With aid of a helper remove hinge to lid at taching bolts from each hinge and remove lid Fig Removal and Installation 5C l6 1 Install protective covering over compartment 4 To install align hinges to lid within Soribe lid and lower part of windshield marks and reverse removal procedure W 2 Open compartment lid and prop in full open position FRONT COMPARTMEN1 Merr itt A LID TO HINGE sous j TORQUE R ODS V 1 54 4 Y gv i ki I vc T T3I nv K mn Map gif mee M3 1 4 A i V A v FRONT COMPARTMENTWEATHE STB1 gy 1 W L n I 11 5 l i HINGE ASSEMBLY TO BODY BOLTS 4 J 1187 Fin 5Cl6 Fr nr Compartment Weatlierstrip and Front Compartment Lid Attaching Bolt Fig 5Cl7 Front Compartment Lid Hinge Removal