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New Product Service Information Manual 201 January 1972 |

I HEATER AND AIR CONDITIONER 1 7 l l 1 Engine at operating temperature and running 2 Control set at HEAT position 3 Tenlperamre canlrnl atfuil heat position 4 Blower an Hl 5 Check discharge temperature l narlrtal discharge temperature Q Outlet Disch Temp 145 1sn 1ss 1es Amhleht Alr D 2S 40 75 l NORMAL TEMPERATURE LOW TEMPERATURE crteelt air nw Mwe temneramre lever rapidly tu cool paeltlert and hack tu lull heat position l me new on INSUFFICIENT T l r r r Myst M MR FLOW at each extreme position l i lListen lor snu nd Check all Check hlwter nperatlen l gigplzrmr DOOR OK DOOR DOES NOT clnsing OPERATE PRDPERLV BLOWER BLOWER MALFUNCTION OK Check temperature uf Adjust er replace inlet and outlet heater lemperatu re door hnses cable as required l l See blcmer Check for restrldlun d cts la In U WARM INLET Ann uurur nor INLET Ann 055 WARM umm noses l AlC CARS NON AlC CARS Remwe heater hoses from healer cure and reverse llush heater core check vacuum cneet nipple l l gg l l at water valve on engine on engine nr restriction l il defective l replace VACUUM NO VACUUM l Replace waur cheek water l vacuum valve valve for restriction switch at Control WATER VALVE WATER DEFECTIVE VALVE OK Replace water CHECK HEATER valve HOSES FOR RESTRICTIONS IF OK CHECK THERMOSTAT Fig l 7 Insnfiilzient Heating