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New Product Service Information Manual 201 January 1972
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1 l 6 4 MODEL 2GC CARBURETOR The Model 2GC Carburetor is essentially the same as discribed in the 1971 Service Manual with the following exceptions GENERALDEsCRIP1 I0N OF CHANGES clgangec from 140 to l60 The slow idle should be i An electrically operated idle stop solenoid is used on all 3 we as u ws 1972 Model ZGC Carburetors its purpose is to control 1 En gme at normal operatmg temperature Remove wb me S TM 1 v 1 P e at tram nam at cleaner mum hose at 1dle stop solenoid maintains a slightly higher idle speed to make manifold hen lu fitting control exhaust emissions The carburetor speed screw will 2 Choke O en ami air cogldiiicnmg BH be adjusted at a lower RPM so that when the engine is P tm d ff th I 1 d b d d d 3 Set parking brake and block drive wheels w th 51 Od wi eimc S ea m JZ m 4 Disconnect distributor vacuum hose Plug hose to die lmt ve C was H S 3 the mgme carburetor on automatic transmission plug hose to esi h d1 in b d 97 manifold on manual transmission mmf thZ2i n i5 5JZdWi ifrQ3 1 2 w g me gmg Pg P y i d mlm The vacuum break vacuum hose is now connected to so n I emrglze knew OO am the mtake mamfold Automatic Trans Trans in drive adjust to 650 gwlmj ROTM CLOSING Manual trans Trans in neutral adjust to 750 Monet msmnrncanum Ann c0nz uzvnce sonvrvra tj 260 7042155 3501QAl A 6 Adjust carburetor speed screw solenoid ZGC 70421 350 gg A E deenergized to obtain t gugsnmgann on out nuts mst Automatic Trans Trans in park adjust to 600 E IDLE Sm SOLENMDIMCTRIO Manual Trans Trans in neutral adjust to 600 Aniusrmatrrs RPM ll The adjustment Procedures and spmfcmcm mmm NOTE Idle mixtures screws have been preset at unchanged for 1972 with the exception of choke rod and dw f t l Y md PP d D0 NOT REMOVE CAPSJ dl k f dl d Slow I 6 The Cho G md ast 1 6 cam 3 Pmmem 7 Un lug distributor vacuum hose and reconnect to P distributor Unplug vacuum fitting at intake A manifold and reconnect air cleaner hose Remove t plug and connect carburetor hose to cannister 1 i Install air cleaner it V 1 s r l qw s nuts Tg V gm wtwu saw Y t Scv fa I stowmtz ri ew re ADJUSTING W 1 I 5 SCREW t V cuoxtnoo cm um ssrn uur V i Gr S msriotr gf Amusnuc f A J A es rj scntw vacuaga I F ann 5Lgw IDLE Asszmstv S LE HD cH0 t V Hnusmc r 4 I