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New Product Service Information Manual 201 January 1972 |
350 Turbo Hydra Matic TRANSMlSSION The diagnosis disassembly and assembly of the hubo Hydra Matic 350 is essentially the same as described in the 1971 Service Manual with the following exceptions 1 Redesigned down shift cable For adjustment procedure refer to photo in this section 2 There is only one model used Qvlodel KA The model KA will be used in 32 36 and 4200 series only The model KA is used for both 2 Bbl and 4 Bbl engines Engine Codes QB QC QJ and QK TRANS MODEL i Intermediate Clutch Plates Drive and Driven 3 each Direct Clutch Plates Drive and Driven 4 each Low Reverse Clutch Plates Drive and Driven 5 each Forward Clutch Plates Drive and Driven 5 each Modulator Model 8623365 1 r 5 l x i Y 7 Ji g i 2 Q i i L Q i l z MM L s i ige a l exe Ann Rock 1 eJ v i e v s cnauwzt 1 ocl s j ji ON wnzwcu gg i s rg Q lrs w r l r s 2i s s 1 l While holding sleeve pull cable V gfngvfggvcu rearward through sleeve RHAINEJ j i j 2 Remove tools depress acceler l Q ator to wide open position Cable will sell adjust V Fig 7 1 Downshift Cable Adjustment l l