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New Product Service Information Manual 201 January 1972 |

Sl EERH 1G 9 1 The adjustment of the power steering gear for 1972 is POWER STEERING GEAR the same as 1971 except that the steering gw should be removed from the car for adjustment A Production Code Label for identification purpose is Adjustment of the steering gear in the car is not located on the side cover recommended because of the difficulty encountered in A Body BZ adjusting the worm thrust bearing preload and the B Body 350 Cu Ln WG confusing effects of the hydraulic fluid in the gear Since a B C Body 455 Cu In Exc S W Police FR l gear amhustrnent is made only as a correction and not as a B Body S W FX periodic adjustment it is better to take the extra time and Police EE make the adjustment correctly the first time Toronado FM Since a handling stability complaint can be caused by improperly adjusted wonn dimst bearings as well as an I improper gear over center adjustment it is necessary that rrr www l the steering gear assembly be removed from the car and the Ut i thrust bearing and over center preload checked and corrected if required An in car check of t he steering gear usmvau g will not pin point a thrust bearing adjustment error Q nwsmg rowmz srcmum rum covck j The power steering pump reservoir has a different design which increases the Huid capacity V t r NOTE Do not use air pressure to remove the reservoir un sj ygir from pump The reservoir may be removed from housing by A rocking it slightly back and forth to unseat the 0 ring HGH i5 F rnrssusr gr ll I MANUAL can Assmtmrv e j A production Code Label for identification purpose is x located on the side cover A Body IE Fig 9 2 Power Steering Pump Reservoir PUMP BRWZKET Ei rl e JQ 4 W I 9 yy Ll rg 1NAL Puugy ms G DRIVE Q5 L 3 Hm FOR V Yr RACKET Q il F 455 CU N FIG A J E BODY ONLY MAMFOLD BRACE E LOCK USE THIS r J HOLE FOR SPACER A V 35 cUA N A B C BODY f Q Q 4 LINK Pump t Assv e SPAcER vii r t ra gm s c scum as a s J A V Yo 1 BOLT A B C BODY 5 BRACKET E BODY SE FIG A G Fig 9 1 P0wer Steering Pump Mounting I Y 1 4