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CORVAIR CHEVY CHEVELLE CANIARO ALPHABETICAL INDEX PIII Numo Group No Pur Num Group N0 Parr Nami Group Nu A AIR ODNDITIONING Ent AIR CONDITIONING Cant Balancer Crankshaft 4 4 4 0 559 Case Evaporator core hoiulnl 4 9 211 Absorber Shock 7 345 Ball Compressor internal 9 172 Clamp Car heater 8 852 8 854 Accumulator detail Tran valve 4 217 Elle All l a r 3 406 Clamp Carburetor air 3 402 Actuatnr Air cond electrical 9 281 Bearing C mpreasor rnterna l 9 172 Clamp Carb throttle 3 762 Actuator Direction signal lamp 2 895 Bearing Compressor pulley 9 181 Clamp Crankcase ventilator 1 750 Actuator Distributor preasure 2 405 H l l Dill l7l l NM 5 447 Clapp Evapnrator 9 220 A v params my u ly Bearing Engine blower and Clamp Evaporator by pass 9 198 Actuator Front seat 11 561 coolant Pumv 1 105 Clamp Evaporator core housing 9 211 Acmhmn SPR mg umn c m 1 Belt Atr Injection reactor pump 3 650 Clamp Evaporator expansion valve 9 214 power regulator 3 885 Belt Compressor drive 9 185 Clamp Hose 9 242 Actuator Trans parking lock 4 220 B lt Ensine blower pulley 1 066 Clamp Hose w nut and bolt 1 166 Adapter Air cond 9 169 9 252 Bezel Air 9 262 Clamp Refrigerant 9 196 Adapter Air cond and beater 9 276 Haul Car heater 8 852 Cleaner Carburetor str 3 400 Adapter Air suspension level Bezel Control 9 279 Clip Atr 9 262 control 455 7 455 l d E rl fa 1 064 cup an airtnnnrnr 9 275 Adapter Eacknip lamp 2 697 Blower Evaporator 9 215 Clip Air flow control 9 787 Adapter Cranircase ventilator 1 745 Blower Heater defroater 8 857 Clip Car heater 8 854 Adapter w delroster 8 845 ENV Carburetor throttle 3 729 Clip Control cable 9 281 Adapter Direction lamp mtg 2 880 Body Compressor 9 170 Clip Defroster part 9 779 Adapter Door arm 16 155 Body Evaporatvr by pass 9 198 Qllp Dehydrator to avnp to Adapter Engine air cooling 1 020 Bolt Battery clamp 2 334 comp hou 9 242 Adapter Engine oil 1 531 Bolt Compressor mtg 9 173 Clip Wiring barness to evap 2 530 Adapter Fldg top side roof rear Bolr Coolant pump 1 073 Clutch Engine air fan 1 050 rail 14 170 Bolt Exhaust manltold to exhaust Cnil Compressor clutch achrating 9 186 Adapter Generator 2 313 pipe 3 275 Compensation kit Carburetor ldle 3 820 Adapter Hazard flasher 2 575 Bolt Oil filter 1 837 Compressor 9 170 Adapter Heater air distributor 9 786 Bolt U Bracket mtg plate 9 171 Condenser Refrlgerant 9 190 Adapter Heater blower and ventilator 8 855 Bolt Wheel esi rler clamp 7 632 Cone Radiator 1 219 Adapter Heater ignltlon purge 8 840 Bowl Carb lloat I throttle bedy 3 734 Cnnncwh Euponw hy P B y gllgp Adapter I Iorn button 2 820 BM lultrument panel compartment 10 260 r Cm Elgcmcar 9 76 Adapter Manlf vacuum take ofl 3 278 Brace Air Inlactlon reactor piunp 5 655 Connector Manifold 3 278 Adapter Dil cooler 1 540 Brace Compressor rntg britt supt 9 171 Console lnst cluster 9 743 Adapter Dll filter and gen 1 840 Brace Evsp air ctr outlet qqhrgcr Eisctrrqpi 9 275 Adapter Platform level 17 400 deflector 9 262 Control 9 275 Adapter Radio 9 650 Brace Evaporator blower motor 9 216 Control Air flow 9 787 Adapter Rear seat 9 665 Brace Generator 2 317 Control Car heater 8 852 Adapter Safety light 9 773 Brace lnstrument panel 10 230 Cmrml q h r choke vrwhm 3 755 Adapter Speedo flex shaft 4 329 Bracket 9 171 Control Carb fast Idle 5 766 Admin gywmm 6 5ryg Bracket Air cleaner stud mountlng 3 405 Core Car heater 8 854 Adapter Steering gear 6 518 Bracket Blower switch 9 275 Core Compressor oil test 9 177 Aqhmq 5 lar hyd 5 559 Bracket Brake hose 4 681 Core Evapornter 9 210 nrrrrrr sreenrr rin mnnr a s25 Backer r Marr 54 cm crrwrern bypass mss Adapter Transmission gearshitt control Bracket Enl l MII 4 0 019 Cover Alr cleaner 3 410 shaft or tube 4 027 Bracket Evaporator blower motor 9 216 Cover Air cond evaporator core Adapter Transmission overdrive 4 455 Bracket lvsiwrator core bouslng 9 211 housing 9 211 Adapter Wire wheel 5 805 Bracklt Heater temp control 9 281 Cover Air injection reactor pomp 3 660 Additive Automatic trans etopleaIr 4 101 Bracket Hose 9 242 Cover Axle housing 5 398 Adjuster Front seat 11 561 Bracket Imltlon coll mounting 2 183 Cover Carburetor ldle 3 820 Adjuster seat 16 682 Bridle Recelver mt upper cover Compressor internal 9 172 Adjuster Speed and cruise control and lower 9 196 Cover Detroster part 9 779 power regulator 3 885 Bracket Rafrlgeruit 9 190 Cover Engine alr cooling 1 020 1 035 Adjuster Stearlng gear lash 6 822 Bracket Regulator 2 500 c Evlpmarc hy gpg Adjuster Strg gear worm brg 6 830 Bracket Spark plug wire 2 251 Cover Evaporator core housing 9 211 Bumper Evap alr ctr outlet duct 9 262 cpp Evaporator by pass 9 198 Bushing Brake pedal 4 626 Cylinder Cempreraor 9 170 AIR CDNDITIONING PARTS Bushing Car hearer control 8 852 Deflectnr Evaporator elr 9 262 Bushing Front and rear bracket 9 171 Diaphragm Carb tast idle 3 766 Actuator Air tnlet 9 281 Cable Battery ground 2 541 Diaphragm Evaporater by pass 9 198 Actuator Electrical 9 281 Cable Battery to startrng switch 2 42 mlmhhlnh M gig Adapter 9 169 Cable Distributor temp control 9 787 Distributor Heater air distributor 9 786 Adapter Electrical 9 276 CIM Carbulewr last idle 3 766 Distributor Ignition 2 361 Adapter Evap air outlet 9 262 Cam Hester slr d lstrtbut r 9 786 Door Evaporator air distributor Adapter Oil 1 540 Cap Compressor oil test 9 177 outlet 9 264 Adapter Oil filter 1 840 Cap Radiator filler w gasket 1 203 Duct Air adapter 9 208 Arm Car heater 8 852 Carburetor 3 725 Duct Engine air cooling LMI Balfle Arr inlet 9 218 Case Car heater 8 854 Duct Evaporatnr 9 262 Ballle Car heater core 9 784 Cnse Distributor 9 262 Duct Heater air distributor 9 786 Battle Evaporator core housing 9 211 Case Evaporator blower 9 215 Elbow Air cleaner to carburetor 3 407 L9 IN7 svr t Motor Division ormar mm Corporation 9 ccc REVISED FEBRUARY 1 I967