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Camaro Assembly Manual April 1968 |

q i g F J i EE IkFi s E iiF i Z1 f i Q j IM H E nut il ASSEMBLY rusrn ucnous 3940195 1969 CAMAR0 I2000 SERIES On hose clamp installations where the pipe nipple On hose clamp installations where beaded hose V tee connector etc has a bead the hose clamp must nipples are short the following procedure should be positioned directly beyond the bead The hose must be followed 4 be assemblediax enough to assure at least 1 8 hose V P b Y 9 P Hoss cmu snoumsnso 1 0 00 MAX GAP V PIPE HOSE cLAlu Host HOSE CMMPV 4 Caution Clamp must I 12 not be located on top l 03 MIN or radius ot sealing i 03 Mm beam HOEE sHOUL muzD T0 0 MAX on On hose clamp lnstallationsl where nipples up to and On hose clamp lnsta1Jstion s where the pipe tubes or inc1udl ng 1 4 0 D having no bead and are short as nipples have no beads the following procedure should a n integral part of a unit the lollowlng procedure lpeiollowed 4 shouldheiollowed 3 V HOSE suouwsaso TQ 0 4 A MAX GAP V 1 11 t H HOSE CLAMP f HOSE Q HOSE CLAMP a a L 4 5 in f ng 1 Q l LV L 1z Mm L y j 12 Mm V 4 HOSE cum sH0u1 E t T0 06 MAX GAP p ion all exhaust pipe clamp iznstallalions locate center line of o1mnp to end of slot in exhaust pipe as iollows V CLAMP SLOT l V EXHAUST pmt t m Em 1 m or cum V c vnom emo v s o one unc nm em J e wm L c V I i Al TR C IONS NME I GFCLA P ReL e4re 9484 4 k nmrsn ms u T Q V V XV f 3 i20 A6 V owm G ner Ab L L I ni Q i wm T D out Rs w Z L L L I Q