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Camaro Assembly Manual April 1968
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nnhrun A S B L Y I S T 0 N S 3940195 4 1969 CAMARO 12000 SERIES E 029101 cmemzron Asu n czssvvi cm E xzossa m Asu E ssaosm Roo cuoms 3719427 SPL WASHER hunt studs only Q 159853 SCREW ASM n avmsz msnrcms fj ssoasss mmm0s1 A r Asn Q 445673 emo meas om z mosos covm caomz Push choke assembly t v a rds ren before tighteulng qC1 EW 9 5 Long end of choke roti must assemble to the thermostat colL QL E E 7 i Q L J e I 3 oi c im Q o ZE Ae I we Q N 3 ii 3 5 w 1 fw v V jb J 113 A Q eyyn vxsw lg 2 4 gb MF iw f 4 Y g Q xx o ie c EEK Inboard vertical surfaoe at the lower horizontal surface oi the cover must be tight against the manifold 7 U mc i x 14 xs masrr Y wo uzsmasm WJ ii 2 30 LBS YN nov rms mg must be engaged inpastihg hole V V CHE O E1 NQTDI DQWMLN G C UFC can sm s v u c r no A ca cx cxoxz e vAcu rm c v cme TOR P u U RE r mov srxonm 8 2 7 T 5 1 rom a m c1 L 3 63L 5z Xl us z2 n 1 L III I 45 M