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Camaro Assembly Manual April 1968 |

A s sez M s 1 Y 1 N s r R u c rr 0 N s 3940195 1969 CAMAR012000 SERIES sx rem TITLE Al cosmms I A2 slams rms si JACK s r0wAG1 l 3962712 TIRE UNIT CHART E 78 14 El All wheel tire assemblies are to be checked for static unbalance Add t I weights Q to inside of wheel at rim edge to obtain a maximum unbalance condition l I oi 5 oz inches lf total weight required to balance the wheel K1 tire asm exceeds 5 oz El 3909916 WHEEL ASM either the tire or wheel is excessively out of 39099 7 OPT I balance 81 asm should be rejected For un balance couditions ln excess of 3 oz inches EI 9421500 tEIg T splitting of weights may be done ii desired I wheel as req d E Serial number on tire to lace inside of wheel when tire ls mounted on wheel asm E M5 LUBmcAm RUBBER 1 6 oz 7 Install valve assembly V tubeless cire part oi tire unit as received in wheel assembly V H 358501 Nw Z El n I I NOTE Tire pressure sticker 4 O HUB ASM see upc 0 Sheet B1 tm pm number location II 3 6 K H e VI 4 E 1 2 2 Gy I II e l J K HUB CAP se M scn 5 JR exif UPC 0 7 4 1 I U NOTE All tires of same size NOT lllaximum temperature of tires to be Sz ply rating furn ished with lB0 F during reshaping process at assembly any vehicle shall be oi same make plauts regardless of the length of time in oven t g ss vs mas rr F cue new o oivlelou me we e e Ee w 1 e e J N C I 44 5 I m 5 nary A FD 4 255 54 KJ i wnzmns e TIRES CONTENTS Q T5 le az u As 32 40 4 gee IZxi T Z T24 5L e 4 42 7 Z7 Z 1 i my mifsef e a V Fl 77 2 3 44 W Zfw 5 8 12000 A a M A MG i 5e 4 L L I1 Z1 YQ 1ZQ j j 1 W 1 e r rv 123 la 1 1 5 s c