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Parts and Accessories Catalog 32A November 1992 |

I OLDSMOBILE Oldsmobile B O GI R O U 1 2 0 0 0 Oldsmobile 11 HEET METAL BODY MOLDINGS ALPHABETICAL INDEX A C AC l UAT 0R Rear Compartment Lid Release or CAP Luggage Compartment and Floor l 12 977 Ajar I2 243 CAP Rear Compartment or Tail Gate Lock ADAPTER l uggage Carrier 12 815 Cyllinder 12 249 ADJUSTIER Luggage Carrier 12 815 CAP Rear Window Wiper 12 188 APPLIOUIE Rear Body Lock Pillar 12 942 CARPET Rear Compartment Lift Window Lift APPLIOUIE Roof Panel I2 812 Gate End Gate 12 190 ARM Rear Window Wiper 12 188 CLIP Back Body Pillar and Opening 12 968 ARM Roof Panel 12 8 10 CLIP Body Moldings 12 118 ASHTRAY Door Quarter Arm Rest or Front Seat CLIP Cowl Top Vent Louver 12 800 Baclt l2 045 CLIP Luggage Compartment and Floor 12 977 CLIP Rear Body Lock Pillar 12 942 CLIP Rear Compartment Lid or Tailgate Decoration 12 183 B CLIP Rear Compartment Lift Window Lift Gate End Gate 12 190 CLIP Rear Compartment Lid Release or Ajar 12 243 BAG Roof Panel 12 810 CLIP Rear Ouarter Ornamentation 12 116 BAR Front Door Inner Outer 12 895 CLIP Rear Window Wiper 12 188 BAR Luggage Compartment and Floor 12 975 CLIP Roof Vent Window 12 811 BAR Rear Door Inner Outer 12 913 CLIP Tail Gate 12 203 BARRIER Body Center 12 491 CLIP Windshield Roof and Quarter 12 075 BARRIER Front Body Hinge Pillar 12 840 CONDUIT Rear Window Wiper 12 188 BARRIER Rear Quarter Side Inner 12 941 CONNECTOR Rear Window Wiper 12 188 BARRIER Rear Body Lock Pillar 12 942 CONNECTOR Rear Compartment Lid or Tail BARRIER Shroud and Dash and Vent Duct 12 804 Gate Lock Cylinder 12 242 BEZEL Armi Rest Ash Tray 12 048 CONNECTOR Rear Compartment Lid Release or BEZEL Door Quarter Arm Rest or Front Seat Ajar 12 243 Back 12 045 CONTACT Rear Compartment Lid or T aiI Gate BEZEL Luggage Compartment and Floor 12 977 Lock Cylinder 12 242 BLADE Rear Window Wiper 12 188 CONTAINER Rear Window Wiper 12 188 BOLT Arm Rest Ash Tray 12 048 COVER Floor Pan 12 980 BOLT Body Moldings 12 118 COVER Rear Compartment Lid Rear End Panel BOLT Cowll Top Vent Louver 12 800 and Tail Gate 12 182 BOLT Floor Pan 12 980 COVER Rear Compartment Lid and End Gate 12 184 BOLT Luggage Carrier 12 815 COVER Rear Compartment Floor or Tail Gate 12 981 BOLT Luggage Compartment and Floor 12 977 COVER Roof Vent WindowQl 12 811 BOLT Rear Compartment Lid or Tailgate CYLINDER KIT Rear Compartment or Tail Gate 12 248 Decoration 12 183 CYLINDER KIT Luggage Compartment and BOLT Rear Compartment Lid and End Gate 12 184 Floor 12 977 BOLT Rear Compartment Lift Window Lift CYLINDER Rear Compartment or Tail Gate 12 248 Gate End Gate 12 190 BOLT Rear Compartment Lid Look or Lift Gate 12 237 BOLT Rear Compartment Lid Release or Ajar 12 243 BOLT Rear Quarter Side Outer 12 940 D BOLT Tail Gate or Back Door 12 180 BOW Roof 12 952 BOX Rear Compartment Lid and End Gate 12 184 DECAL Front Door 12 112 BRACKET lRear Window Wiper 12 188 DECIAL Rear Compartment Lid Rear End Panel BRACKET lRear Compartment Floor or Tail Gate 12 981 and Tail Gate 12 182 BRACKET lRoof Panel 12 810 DEFLECTOR Luggage Compartment and Rear BUMPER Ash Tray Cover 12 050 Seat to Window 12 971 BUMPER Fuel Tank Filler 12 945 DEFLECTOR Shroud and Dash and Vent Duct 12 804 BUMPER Instrument Panel Ash Tray 12 009 DEFLECTOR Sunroof 12 809 BUMPER Rear Compartment Lid or Tail Gate 12 212 DEFLECTOR Tail Gate or Back Door 12 180 BUMPER Roof Panel 12 810 DOOR Fuel Tank Filler 12 945 BUSHING lRear Compartment Lid and End Gate 12 184 DOOR Instrument Panel Ash Tray 12 009 BUSHING lRoof Panel 12 810 1992 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS 0PlERATIONS OLDSMOBILE 32lA 1 12 1A INDEX