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Parts and Accessories Catalog 52S October 1990
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A O G ROUP 3 000 ALPHABETICAL INDEX A BRACKET Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve 3 672 BRACKET Exhaust Muffler 3 704 BRACKET Fuel Pump 3 900 ACTUATOR Cruise Control 3 885 BRACKET Fuel or Air Meter 3 314 ACTUATOR Electronic Fuel Injection 3 320 BRACKET Fuel Injection 3 330 ADAPTER Air Cleaner Air Intake 3 417 BRACKET Fuel Injection Distributor 3 340 ADAPTER Emission Control System 3 671 BRACKET Fuel Pipe 3 162 ADAPTER Emission Control 3 675 BRACKET Fuel Tank Stone Shield 3 015 I ADAPTER Exhaust 3 609 BRACKET Fuel Tank Evaporator ControI Engine ADJUSTER Air Injection Reactor Pump 3 655 End 3 130 AIR Carburetor Air 3 730 BREATHER Air Cleaner Intake 3 410 AIR CLEANER Air Intake 3 402 BUFFER Emission Control Sensors 3 682 BUFFER Emission Control Sensor VehicIe Speed 3 682G BUSHING Accelerator Control 3 430 B I BUSHING Air Injection Reactor Pump 3 655 BEARING Air Injection Reactor Pump 3 665 g K BODY KIT Carburetor 3 729 I C BODY KIT Gasket Kit 3 724 BOLT Accelerator Linkage 3 454 BOLT Air Injection Reactor Pump 3 655 CABLE Accelerator Control 3 430 BOLT Carburetor to Manifold 3 726 CABLE Cruise Control 3 880 BOLT Cruise Control Vacuum 3 886 CALIBRATOR Emission Control Sensor Vehic e BOLT Emission Control 3 675 Speed 3 682G BOLT Emission Control 3 680 CALIBRATOR Emission Control System ECM BOLT Emission Control System 3 671 Components 3 670A BOLT Engine Vacuum Pump Q 3 280 CALIBRATOR Emission Control System 3 670 BOLT Exhaust Pipe 3 613 CALIBRATOR Emission Control Sensors 3 682 BOLT Exhaust 3 609 CALPAK Emission Control System ECM BOLT Fuel or Air Meter 3 314 Components 3 670A I BOLT Fuel Injection 3 330 CAM Accelerator Linkage 3 454 BOLT Fuel Injector Metering 3 332 CAM Fuel Pump 3 935 BOLT Fuel Meter Control 3 318 CAM Fuel Tank Meter L I 3 107 BOLT Fuel Pump Mounting 3 901 CANISTER Fuel Tank Evaporator ControI Engine BOLT Fuel Pump 3 900 End 3 130 BOLT Fuel Tank Stone Shield 3 015 CAP Air Cleaner Air Intake Q 3 417 BOLT Fuel Tank Mounting Strap 3 023 CAP Cruise Control 3 885 BOLT Intake Exhaust Manifold 3 275 CAP Engine Fuel Intake Manifold 3 265 BOLT KIT Gasket Kit L 3 724 CAP Fuel Tank Filler L 3 028 BOOT Cruise Control 3 885 CAP Intake Manifold Vacuum 3 278 BRACE Air Injection Reactor Pump 3 655 CARBURETOR UNIT Fuel 3 725 BRACKET Accelerator Linkage 3 454 CARBURETOR Fuel 3 725 BRACKET Accelerator Pedal Mounting 3 452 CHAIN Cruise Control 3 885 BRACKET Air Cleaner 3 405 CLAMP Air Cleaner and Silencer 3 403 BRACKET Air Injection Reactor Pump 3 655 CLAMP Air Cleaner Air Intake 3 417 BRACKET Carburetor Throttle 3 444 CLAMP Air Cleaner 3 407 BRACKET Catalytic Converter 3 690 CLAMP Catalytic Convener 3 690 BRACKET Cruise Control 3 880 CLAMP Engine Fuel 3 890 BRACKET Cruise Control 3 885 CLAMP Exhaust System Attaching 3 708 BRACKET Cruise Control 3 887 CLAMP Exhaust Pipe 3 616 BRACKET Cruise Control Vacuum 3 886 CLAMP Fuel Pipe 3 162 BRACKET Early Fuel Evaporation 3 145 CLEANER KIT Air Cleaner 3 405 BRACKET Early Fuel Evaporation Control 3 140 CLIP Accelerator Cable 3 469 BRACKET Electronic Fuel Injection 3 320 CLIP Accelerator Linkage 3 454 BRACKET Emission Control 3 675 CLIP Air Cleaner Intake 3 410 BRACKET Emission Control 3 680 CLIP Air Cleaner Air Intake 3 417 BRACKET Emission Control Sensors 3 682 CLIP Cruise Control 3 885 BRACKET Emission Control Sensor M A P 3 682B CLIP Early Fuel Evaporation 3 145 BRACKET Emission Control System 3 671 CLIP Electronic Fuel Injection 3 320 BRACKET Engine Fuel 3 890 CLIP Fuel Injection 3 330 BRACKET Engine Vacuum Pump 3 280 CLIP Fuel Line Control 3 164 BRACKET Exhaust Pipe 3 616 CLIP Fuel Pipe 3 162 1 j 1990 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS OPERATIONS LT TRUCK 52S L I 3 1A INDEX