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Parts and Accessories Catalog 52S October 1990
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REAR AXLE PRODUCTION CODE TRUCK CORPORATION REAR AXLE CODE IDENTIFICATION All Corporation built rear axles are stamped with a prefix code desi nating the axle ratio and vehicle identification axle source build date and shigt code EXAMPLE 1 A KAC G OO1 1 Axle Vehicle Source Day Shift Code Code Code Code Refer to specific I Jan 1 OO1 T model year chart I C Buffalo G Gear Axle 1 K GM of Canada W Warren REAR AXLE PRODUCTION CODE LOCATION y The code is stamped on the front of the right axle tube 3 to 5 outboard of the carrier tt 1990 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS OPERATl0NS LT TRUCK 52S L REV 10 90 5 5 5 386