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R H AIMER S X TFig 8 100 Aimers and String b Repeat the same operation on the right hand lamp to complete the horizontal adjustment of this pair of lamps HORIZONTAL AIMING SCREW N CENTER STRING ON AIMER ARM Fig 8 101 Headlamp Horizontal Adjustment Vertical Adjustment 9 a Numeral 0 should appear in the DOWN window of each aimer If not loosen knob beneath aimer arm and slide back and forth until the numeral does appear b Turn headlamp vertical aim screw fig 8 102 on the left hand unit counterclockwise until the bubble is at the end of the level toward the T 3 unit Then turn screw clockwise until the bubble is centered 0 Y L H U O GUM I LAW DOW AwrtsoH wuru t w oF W u s A o Y 7R t 1 0 1