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s i r e Q 1 Motor 1 Install replacement field as follows a Scribe reference line on new field in approximately the same location as the one scribed on the original field b Install tie bolts in housing and position field assembly over housing and tie bolts so that the reference lines match and the tie bolts line up with the two grooves in the field lamina c Push field into housing until it bottoms on the machined ridge d Connect up leads as required fig 151 2 Reassemble rubber disc steel thrust plate and felt washer in case assembly bearing in the order indicated 3 When replacing the armature BE SURE to remove thrust ball from original armature and reuse it in the new armature Always check armature end play after replacing the armature 4 Install armature in case assembly and remove brush retainer clip installed in step S under disassembly 5 Maintaining the armature in its assembled position in the case start the armature worm through the gear housing bearing 6 Align case assembly tie bolt holes with those in the housing and start folding the excess lead lengths in the open areas between the field and housing 7 Push the case assembly and armature on the field lamina until the case butts against the housing CAUTION It may be nomssary to turn the gear or armature Ilghflr In order to get the O LOCK NUT JUSTING SCREW n V p O MI SPEED DISCONNECT JUMPER NO 1 FROM TERMINAL NO 3 PARK RECONNECT JUMPER TO NO 3 TERMINAL AND DISCONNECT JUMPER NO 2 FROM GROUND JUMPER WIRE NO 2 N 1 Shooting Procedures QOIIYAIR MOP MANUAL