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Parts and Accessories Catalog 32H February 1993 |

1992 TRIM COMBINATIONS COLORS Indicated Basic Vinyl or Leather Finish is Antique BASIC INTERIOR 12 Graphite 15 Med Slate Gray 20 Very Dk Sapphire 64 Med Beige 78 Garnet Red SEAT OPTION CODE LEGEND AM6 45 55 AQ9 Hi Performance Bkt P D St TRIM LEVEL SEATS SEAT OR DOOR DOORS D Deluxe 1 lst Design C Cloth M Custom 2 2nd Design V Vinyl S Standard 3 3rd Design L Leather L Luxury 4 4th Design 5 5th Design A Modified B Modified COMBINATION NUMBER CODING The First Two Numbers indicate the Basic Color i e 19 Black The Third Number or Letter indicates the Type and Design Level as follows Cloth Vinyl B C D E G H J All Vinyl N R V W Y Z Leather 2 3 4 5 6 8 Seat Very Seat Option Med Dk Sap Med Garnet Material Styles Code Slate pire Beige Red Texture 3HN69 AMG 15B 2OB 64B 78B MANHATTEN II HIGHLANDEH II CL 3HY69 AMG 15C 20C 64C 78C PRIMAVERA CL 3HY69 AM6 152 202 642 782 SUPER SOFT LEA SIERRA GRAIN CF DOESKIN GRAIN 1993 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS OPERATIONS 0LDSMOBILE 32H 2 93 14 7 1 4 000 4