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<- Illustration Index Parts and Accessories Catalog P&A 30 March 1954 Engine Chart ->
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pucripggcn Pays No Description Page Ng BRAKES PRAIVIE SHOCK ABSORBER SPRING Cont parking Bmko CcW1 Typo 238 COE Frame and Sub Frame Assembly 414 parking Bmko 1 oyor 4 y 288 Single Acting Shock Absorber 424 Parking Brake Controls Foot Operated l 290 1301111119 Acting Shock AbS0rber A 424 Broke Mom Cy11m 1o1 b 4 293 Spring U Bolt 431 Hydrouhc Broko Systom 1946 54 Truck Hydrovqc Shown 295 Front Spring and Parts 432 Hydraulic Brake Pipe Diagram 299 1191111 51311119 1 P 1 fS 434 Brake Pipe Connectors and Spacers i 302 SP11119 11 1 11 1 Clips i i 436 Mechanical Brake Syste m Passenger 304 Mechanical Brake System Truclc 30 4 MIscELLANE US CHASSIS ILLUSTRATIONS Brake Rod Diagram v 305 1142 Ton Truck Wheel Carrier 441 1946 54 Vacuum Power Brake Cylinder 311 1951 54 Commercial Wheel Carrier 441 Hydraulic Brake Parts Front 315 Commercial Wheel Cqujel TOD Ton 442 1 Ton Rear Brake Parts 315 Passenger Bumper Parts 446 1 1 011 Hear Breker 315 Truck Hood Parts 455 1951 54 1 and 2 Ton Rear Brake Paris 11 11 B1 1 S11 W l 317 Jack Bases 470 1951 54 Passenger Front Brake Parts 81 VZ Ton Comm i 318 QOE Body Mouoono S1mck1o l Y I V I V 283 1951 54 Passenger Rear Brake Parts TOR C0 11 318 Instrument Mounting Plates K i 488 Brake Shoe Link Arrangement i 324 PASSENGER CAR Bon REAR AX E R V HAFT U 101NT Body Panels and Metal Parts 499 Roo Ax1o gom1 1 1oo11no 329 Phantom View 1949 4 Door Sedan 500 poosoooor ond 16 Too Rom Ax1o 33O Sedan Delivery Body 501 cmd 1 Ton Rom Aldo 331 1946 48 Station Wagon 502 1 yl Ton Rom AX1o V V V vr 332 1953 Station Wagon Six Pass Handyman 503 Two goood Rom Ax1o Moo11on1co1 S1111 1 V 333 Interior View 1949 4 Door Sedan 504 Two Spood Roor Ax1o Hypo1d voouum Shift v 334 1950 52 Bel Air Interior View 505 Front Propoucx Shclit and HOuS1ng 1g29 4O V V I 339 1953 54 Bel Air Sport C0up 1Il1 I10I 506 Propeller Shalt 1939 40 cor 108 ws 339 1953 Be1Air 4 Door Sod I tonor t 507 Propeller Shaft Pods 1941 4em Too 339 1954 1391 Air 4 Deer ed 1 terier 508 pHigg1o Vgi3h 111 1g41 54 1 1 2 Ton cmd COE EXo 34O 1942 48 Instrument Panel 509 nstrument Panel and Front Com artment 509 Truck Propeller Shaft Double Row Bearing Support 340 1949 50 Passenger Instrument Panel 510 Propeller Shaft and Housing Passenger Car 340 1951 52 Passenger Instrument Panel 510 Propeller Shafts 1941 54 1 1 2 Ton and COE Exc 1953 54 Passenger Instrument Panel 511 1rQ d1 V B 1941 42 i e1e Rew Beerirre Sunpert 111 S 341 1941 48 Metal Repair Pooo1o 4 Door Body Styles 512 pmpouor Shoo choo so 344 2 f 1 ji B22 gg 2 5 1941 54 Intermediate Universal Ioint Truck 355 194952 Metal Repair Pcm 1s 2 Dom Body Styles 515 Universal loint Passenger and Truck 355 195051 Bel Air Weutherstrip Y Y 516 1941 54 Universal loint Passenger Car 355 1952 Bel Air Weutherstrip 517 Propeller Shaft Parking Brake Exploded 360 B6 Ai Quarter W d in ow o ings 518 Two Speed Rear Axle Mechanical Shift Mechanism 361 Windshield Wiper Parts 524 TWO r ee 1 1 11r1 Vemm 11 Meehemrr 362 insoomoot Panel Door Lock oai Propeller glgaft Parking Brake 364 cowl Ventilator 531 Hub Bolt art 370 194248 Rem Deal 534 1940 41 Hin e Stra and Box FRONT AX S 1 R N 1936 48 FroriD0or11 Front AX Knee Ao11oo Eoc1oood Typo 375 1936 41 Rear Door 535 FrOn AX1o 1 Ioovy Duty 2 Too ood COE 376 1949 52 Front Door Parts 537 From Suspoosioo 1 o 1o Oooo Typo Kooo Action 377 1949 52 Rear Door Parts 537 1g4g 54 posSonoor Froo1 guoponsioo v 378 1949 54 Door Lock Mechanism 544 Front AX1o Coovoo11ooo1 Truck Exo Hoovy Duty 379 949 54 llgcior Iilockiug Handle 544 193 GA 1oo 1ug Gear v 395 oor oc ec anism 545 1937 40 Truck ood 1937 GB gtoooog Goor v 396 Door Safety Lock Parts 547 Steering Gear Recircu1ating Ball Type 397 192939 D001 Dovetail and Striker Parts 55l 1949 54 pqssoooor Steering Goor EXp1odod 397 1940 48 Door Dovetail Parts 551 1953 54 power S1ooI1no goor A v 398 Front Door Ventilator 555 1953 54 power gtoorioo pump A 399 Rear Door Ventilator r 574 Steering Connecting Rod 411 C m Ouerter W1nd w 582 1949 54 possonoor gtoodoo Conooctiog Rod 411 1939 Seat Adjuster 595 Seat Back and Bottom Side Panels 595 FRAME sH0cK ABs RBER sPRING 1 940 48 Seat Ad1uster 595 oupe Rear Compartment 613 1949 50 Passenger Frame Exc Conv 413 Sedan Rear Compartment 614 Truck Frame 413 1949 Sedan Rear Compartment 615 1937 39 YK Type Frame 414 Rear Compartment Lid and Parts 616 1940 48 Box Girder F rame 414 1941 48 Rear Compartment Lid 617 40