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HORIZONT Dimension A 375 1s Center of engine air outer grille b B 19 Center of engine air outer grilh C 18 bracket at center of mounting hob D 387 2 Center of rear suspension outer i F 523 g lower mounting bolt E 4211 16 Engine rear mounting bracket at G 42 1 s bolt H 345 ls Center of rear suspension outer m i I 1225 32 Center of rear suspension outer m J 241 2 K 261 6 M 1411 16 N 155 1 Center of rear supension outer m L 3811 i s I O 3613 is Center of rear shipping bolt holes P 77 Center of rear shipping bolt hole R 821 Q 921 g Center of rear suspension outer n S 96 2 ing bolt T 2223 32 Center of front suspension fore an U 241 6 V 10 2 I X 10 c Center of front suspension forwaz Y 25 6 under the center of the forward n arm W 2425 3 Center of front suspension forwaz Z 8 2 under the center of the lower ma A A 28 Center of front suspension fozwva B B 382 2 panel directly under the rear mo C C 40 32 Center of front suspension foztivaz E E 323 2 beneath the center of the center i D D 23 6 A point on the edge of the frame the front bumper bracket VERTICA Dimension 1 141 is Lower surface of frame beneath t bracket 2 167 Lower surface of support toe paz ing hole 3 101 6 The farthest outboard surface of c 4 129 ls Lower surface of frame directly k steering relay and the forward zz r AL DIMENSIONS Location racket lower mounting bolt bracket lower mounting bolt to engine rear mounting nounting bolt to center of engine air outer grille bracket c enter of hole to center of rear suspension outer mounting ounting bolts ounting bolt to inner mounting bolt ounting bolt to center of rear shipping bolt hole to center of front suspension forward mounting bolt iounting bolt to center of front suspension forward mountd aft mounting bolts d mounting bolt to a point on the edge of the frame directly iounting bolt of bracket steering relay and connecting rod d mounting bolt to a point on the edge of the frame directly unting bolt of lever assembly steering idler d mounting bolt to a point on the edge of the support toe unting bolt of the gear box steering gear assembly d mounting bolt to a point on the edge of the frame directly nounting hole of the front bumper bracket directly beneath the center of the center mounting hole of L DIMENSIONS Location he center of the center mounting hole for the front bumper Lel directly beneath the rear steering gear assembly mountwtrigger 1 eneath the center of the forward mounting hole of bracket ounting hole of lever assembly steering idler rn v W 0 P MANUAL