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ir I BUICK att CHASSIS GROUP III 2 9 000 BUICK BUICK BODY MOUNTING A R CONDITIONING IINSTRU M ENT CLUSTER ALPHABETICAL INDEX A TI CAP A C Compressor D r v 9 177 CAPACITOR Radio 4 9 654 CAPACITOR Radio Static Suppression 9 663 ACCUMULATOR A C Refrigerarit 9 195 CAP Radio Antenna 9 647 ACTUATOR A C Control Vacuum 9 280 CASE A C Evaporator Blower 9 215 ACTUATOR A C Electric Control 9 275 CASE A C Evaporator 9 211 ACTUATOR Air Distributor 9 786 CASE Air Distributor a a 9 786 ACTUATOR Heater Water Temperature Control 9 795 CASE Cigarette Lighter 9 709 ACTUATOR Plenum Air 9 789 CASE Instrument Cluster l 9 743 ACTUATOR Windshield Defroster t 9 779 CHIME Instrument Cluster Warning t 9 765 ADAPTER A C Compressor Mounting 9 171 CLAMP A C Compressor 9 242 ADAPTER Air Distributor 9 262 CLAMP A C Refrigerant 9 196 ADAPTER Radio Antenna t t 9 647 CLAMP Cigiarette Lighter t 9 709 ANTENNA Radio 4 9 645 CLAMP SHELL Cigarette Lighter 9 709 ARMATLIRE KIT Radio Antenna 9 647 CLAMP Valve In Receiver 9 199 ASPIRATOR A C Electric Control 9 275 CLIP A C Compressor Mounting 9 171 CLIP A C Compressor 9 242 CLIP A C Evaporator 9 211 CLIP A C Vacuum Temperature 9 281 B CLIP A C Wiring 9 276 CLIP Air Distributor r 9 262 CLIP Air Distributor 9 786 BAFFLE Air Distributor r 9 786 CLIP Instrument Cluster 9 744 BAFFLE Air Distributor 9 262 CLIP Instrument Cluster 9 743 BARRIER A C Evaporator 9 211 CLIP Speedometer to Instrument Panel 9 761 BASE Cigarette Lighter 9 709 CLIP Windshield Defroster 9 779 BEARING A C Compressor Internal CLOCK Clock 9 772 parts Radial 9 172A CLUSTER Instrument Panel Gage 9 735 BEARING A C Compressor Pulley 9 181 CLUSTER Instrument Panel Gage 9 735 BOARD Instrument Cluster Warning 9 765 CLUTCH DFIIVE A C Compressor Clutch BOLT A C Compressor Mounting 9 173 Actuating 9 188 BOLT Body to Frame 9 008 COIL A C Compressor Clutch Actuating 9 186 BOLT Radio Antenna 9 647 COIL Radio Antenna 9 647 BOLT Radio Auxiliary Speakers 9 665 COMPRESSOR A C Compressor 9 170 BOLT Radio Mounting 9 667 CONDENSER A C Condenser 9 190 BRACE A C Compressor Mounting 9 171 CONNECTOR A C Electric Control 9 275 BRACKET A C Compressor Mounting 9 171 CONNECTOR Air Distributor 9 262 BRACKET A C Compressor 9 226 CONNECTOR Air Distributor 9 786 BRACKET A C Condenser 9 190 I CONNECTOR Cigarette Lighter 9 709 BRACKET A C Control Vacuum 9 280 CONTROL A C Control 9 273 BRACKET A C Electric Control 9 275 CONTROL A C Electric Control 9 275 BRACKET A C Electrical 9 277 CORE A C Evaporator 9 210 BRACKET A C Evaporator 9 211 COVER A C Electric Control 9 275 BRACKET A C Evaporator Blower 9 216 COVER A C Evaporator 9 211 BRACKET A C Vacuum Temperature 9 281 COVER Air Distributor 9 262 BRACKET Air Distributor 9 786 COVER Air Distributor 9 786 BRACKET Engine Vacuum Fuel Economy 9 755 COVER Clock 9 772 BRACKET KIT Radio Antenna 9 647 COVER Radio Auxiliary Speakers 9 665 BRACKET Outside Air 9 787 CYLINDER A C Compressor 9 170 BRACKET Plenum Air 9 789 BRACKET Radio Antenna 9 647 BRACKET Radio Auxiliary Speakers 9 665 BRACKET Radio Mounting 9 667 BUMPER Radio Mounting 9 667 BUSHING Speedometer to Instrument Panel 9 761 BUZZER lristrument Cluster Warning 9 765 DIAL Instrument Cluster 9 748 DIAL KIT A C Control 9 279 DUCT A C Evaporator Blower 9 215 DUCT Air Distributor 9 262 Cr DUCT Air Distributor 9 786 DUCT Air Outlet 9 260 DUCT Side Window Defroster 9 780 CABLE Outside Air 9 787 DUCT Windshield Defroster 9 779 CABLE Radio Antenna 9 647 WAREHOUSING ANI DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL M TORS CORPORA IION BU CK 44W 9 A INDEX