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GM3 111 1982 X SINGLE INJECTOR THROTTLE BODY INJECTION UNIT MODEL 300 1 METER ASM Fuel N S 2 BODY ASM Fuel Meter 3 5 N S 3 COVER W Regulator Fuel Meter 3 4 N S 4 GASKET Fulel Meter Body 2 3 N S 5 SCREW W Washer Meter to Body 3 1 1 N S I 6 INJECTOR KIT Fue 6 I 3 774 7 INJECTOR Fuel 3 6 I N S 8 FILTER Fuel Injector NozzIe 3 6 N S 9 SEAL Injector Small O Ring 2 3 6 N S 10 SEAL Injector Large O Ring 2 3 6 N S 11 WASHER Injector Back Up 2 3 6 N S 12 GASKET Fuel Meter Cover 2 3 6 1 1 N S 13 SEAL Pressure Regulator Dust 2 3 6 11 N S 14 GASKET Fuel Meter Outlet 2 3 6 N S 15 SCREW W Washer Cover Long 3 Req 3 1 1 N S 16 SCREW W Washer Cover Short 2 Req 3 11 N S 17 NUT Fuel Inlet 9 N S 18 GASKET Fuel Inlet Nut 2 9 N S 19 NUT Fuel ClutIet 9 N S 20 GASKET Fuel Outlet Nut 2 9 N S 21 BODY ASNI Throttle 7 N S 22 SCREW Throttle Stop 7 N S 23 SPRING Thlrottle Stop Screw 7 N S 24 LEVER Throttle Position Sensor 7 8 1 1 N S 25 SCREW Throttle Lever Attch 7 8 1 1 N S 26 SENSOR KIT Throttle Position 8 3 440 27 SENSOR Tlhrottle PosItion 7 8 N S 28 RETAINER Sensor 8 11 N S 29 SCREW Sensor Attch 7 8 11 N S 30 WASHER Sensor Screw 7 8 1 1 N S 31 VALVE ASM Idle Air ControI 10 N S 32 GASKET Cont Vlv to Throttle Body 2 10 N S 33 GASKET Flange Mounting 2 N S THROTTLE BODY INJECTION UNIT Complete assembly plus air cleaner flange gasket 3 725 GASKET KIT Injection Unit Incl 4 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 20 32 33 3 724 METER KIT Fuel Incl 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 1 1 l2 13 14 15 16 18 20 3 734 COVER ASM Fuel Meter Incl 3 Service Pending N S BODY KIT Fuel Meter Incl 2 Q 3 734 INJECTOR KIT Fuel Incl 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 3 774 BODY KIT Throttle Incl 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 3 729 SENSOR KIIT Throttle Position Incl 24 25 27 28 29 30 3 440 NUT KIT Fuel Inlet Outlet Incl 17 18 19 20 3 724 CONTROL KIT Idle Air Incl 31 32 3 766 SCREW KI I Injector Unit Assortment Incl 5 15 16 24 25 28 29 30 3 724 WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION BUICK 44W 1 82 3 37 3 000 GROUP