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CHASSIS I BULB SPECIFICATIONS Headlamp Unit Outer High Beam Low Beam Inner High Beam Parking Lamp and Direction Signal Lamps Tail Stop and Direction Signal Lamps Back up Lamps Instrument Lamps Direction Signal Indicator Lamps Temperature Pressure Oil Indicator Lamp Generator Fan Indicator Lamp Headlamp High Beam Indicator Lamp Glove Compartment Lamp Dome Lamp Cartridge Type Courtesy Lamp License Plate Lamp Radio Dial Lamp Heater Control Panel Lamp FUSES AND CIRCUIT BREAKER A circuit breaker in the light control switch protects the headlamp circuit thus eliminating one fuse Where current load is too heavy the circuit breaker rapidly opehs and closes protecting the circuit until the cause is found and eliminated Fuses located in the junction block beneath the dash are Heater Blower Glove Compartment Lamp 3 AG AGC 10 AMP Tail and Stop Lamps Dome Lamp Cigarette Lighter 3AG AGC 10 AMP e Heater Total System Back Up Lamp 3 AG AGC 20 AMP e Radio 3 AG AGC 4 AMP Instrument Panel Lamp Radio Panel Lamp Heater Control Panel Lamp 3 AG AGC 3 AMP ELECTRICAL Candle Power Number 37 Watt 4002 50 Watt Sealed Beam 37 Watt 4001 Sealed Beam 4 32 1034 4 32 1034 32 1073 3 GE 1816 2 57 2 57 2 57 1 53 2 57 15 211 6 89 4 6 2 GE 1891 1 53 WIPER MOTOR Single Speed Type Electric Crank Arm Rotation looking at the crank arm Counterclockwise Crank Arm Speed 35 45 rpm Operating Voltage 12 VDC Current Draw Free Speed 3 5 4 0 amp Dry Windshield 4 5 6 0 amp Stall Current 12 amp Two Speed Crank Arm Rotation looking at the crank arm Counterclockwise Crank Arm Speed Lo 35 45 rpm Hi 65 80 rpm Operating Voltage 12 VDC Current Draw Free Speed 3 3 5 amp Dry Windshield 4 5 5 amp Stall Current 13 amp