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Parts and Illustration Catalog 18F May 1993
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CHASSIS GROUP 5 000 CHEVROLET I CHEVROLET B RAKES R EAR AXLE PR 0 PELLER S HAFT WH E E LIS ALPHABETICAL IINDEX A H ADJUSTER KIT Brake Shoe Automatic HOLISINIS KIT Rear Axle 5 387 j Adjusting 5 103 j ARM Rear Axle Control I 5 382 AXLE Rear Axle 5 386 J B JOINT KIT Propeller Shaft Universal Joint 5 548 BEARING Differential Drive Pinion Front 5 447 BEARING Differential Drive Pinion 5 484 L BEARING Differential Side 5 536 BEARING Rear Wheel 5 855 BOLT Hub or Drum Front and Rear Wheel 5 812 LEVER KIT Parking Brake 5 149 BOLT Pinion Shaft Lock 5 518 LEVER Parking Brake 5 149 BOLT Rear Axle Control Arm 5 380 LOCK Rear Axle Shaft 5 422 BOLT Rear Axle Control Arm 5 381 BOLT Rear Axle Control Arm 5 383 BOLT Rear Axle Housing 5 398 BOLT Rear Axle Tie Rod 5 418 M BOLT Ring Gear 5 531 BOLT Universal Joint Bearing and Flange 5 586 BRACE Rear Axle Tie Rod 5 418 MAGNET Differential Carrier Housing 5 508 BRACKET Rear Axle Control Arm 5 380 BUSHING Rear Axle Control Arm 5 381 N C NU1 Brake Flange 5 001 NUT Hub Front and Rear 5 813 CAP Hub Front and Rear 5 813 NUT Propeller Shaft Pinion Flange 5 595 CAP Wheel Trim 5 858 NU1 Rear Axle Control Arm 5 381 CASE Differential and Planet 5 510 NUT Rear Axle Control Arm 5 383 COVER Rear Axle Housing e 5 398 NUT Rear Axle Tie Rod 5 418 COVER Wheel Trim 5 858 P D PAD KIT Brake 5 017 DAMPENER Brake Flange 5 001 PIN Parking Brake Lever 5 158 DIFFERENTIAL Differential and Planet 5 510 PLATE Brake Flange 5 001 DRUM Front and Rear Wheel Brake 5 809 PLUG Brake Adjusting Hole 5 117 G R GASKET Rear Axle Housing Cover 5 399 RETAINER Universal Joint Bearing and Flange 5 586 GEAR KIT Differential Side 5 527 RING Propeller Shaft Universal Joint Trunnion 5 560 GEAR KIT Ring and Pinion 5 529 ROD Rear Axle Tie 5 415 GUIDE Brake Shoe Guide 5 045 ROTOR Front and Rear Wheel Brake 5 809 1993 GIEENEIRAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS OF ERATlONS CHEVROLET 18F 5 1A INDEX