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Parts and Illustration Catalog 44J October 1989 |

TERMINOL 0G Y EXPL ANIATION AS SHOWN ON CHART A 1 MODEL YEAR Sales year of vehicle 2 MODEL USAGE In order to determine correct model usage use the attached model designation chart when ALL appears this includes all models A B F H T X 3 ENGINE and CARBURETION Reference to engines will be shown in cubic inch displacement or lites If Reference has to be made to specific carburetion this will be shown in parenthesis with the engine displacement see example A 4 OPTION CODE Indicates additional usage other than production standard equipment In most instances the option will be spelled out see example G How ever the option codes will be used for Engines Transmissions Air Conditioning Limited Slip Di ferential and Nox Emission Systems 5 PART NUMBER Identifies the number assigned to each part 6 QUANTITY Quantity of parts required per vehiole AR means As Required 7 NOUN NAME All noun names will be spelled out against every line of model application 8 DESCRIPTION Includes all additional descriptive information necessary to describe the location of the part on the vehicle 9 CROSS GROUP A cross group is shown when a part is listed in a secondary group See example A 10 EXCEPTION Used only when models or ootions are excluded See example B 11 TRANSMISSION The Transmission abbreviation M T manual trans or A T automatic trans will be used in all instances where the parts apply to all types of transmissions When the model application must be specific to a particular transmission M T or A T will be used along with the option code See example A 12 AIR CONDITIONING The Air Conditioning abbreviation A C will be used in all instances where the parts apply to all types of installations When the model application must be specific to a particular air conditioning installation A C will be used along with the option code See example C 13 DESIGN BREAK When parts are cataloged with a design change the difference will be shown either after the option column or by a note See example C 14 LIMITED SLIP DIFFERENTIAL The Limited Slip option will always be written G80 See example D 15 DIMENSIONS All dimensions will be shown in the description column Both metric and S A E methods will be used where applicable See example D 16 COLOR AND TRIM COMBINATIONS Color and trim combinations will be shown together in the same parenthesis in the description column See example E 17 PAINTING INSTRUCTIONS The phrase Paint to Match will be shown whenever a part has to be painted by the Dealer See example F 18 STRIPE TRIM COMBINATIONS M U L trim combinations on stripes will designate the body trim code with which the stripe is used A in the trim code designation accent color NOTE The List Prices shown are suggested prices only An asterisk preceding the list price indicates multiple packaging refer to the price schedule for actual quanities 19 39 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS 0 PERATl0NS BUlCI 44J j REV 10 89 5