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l w AM utwo w aIA INTRODUCTION The Accessories listed in this Catalogue are specifically applicable to 1960 thru AC ESSORIES 1962 For Universal type Accessories Automotive Chemicals and Lubricants Cleaners and Polishes etc please refer to your current Accessories Catalogue The service replacement parts are shown immediately below the applicable Accessory assembly number Where no breakdown parts are listed the Accessory is serviced as an assembly only INDEXES 4E 4 4 ftd KA lists the noun name of the parts listed in alphabetical sequence and underlined for quick identification 4B ftad4Qf4a 4st IW x has been included for your convenience in locating all illustrations and charts contained in this catalogue The listing is in group sequence similar to the parts application data Under each group heading the information is listed alphabetically and cross referenced to the applicable page number 74 719 444 1 AC4 9 includes a cross reference from the replaced number to the replacing number This new or replacing number will appear in the group number column opposite the old or replaced number Also listed are numbers that have been deleted but not replaced and they are indicated by I Removed Those numbers applicable to the Accessories Section are noted e g Acc M The alphabetical suffix indicates the first letter of the heading under which the part number is shown HOW T O FIND 7 am ZKeo 4e we OD Ae VaZt turn to the alphabetical index at the back of the catalogue find the part by name and note the THE REQUIRED group number refer to this group in the Data Sections PART NUMBER 71 V zawv 71m Pa2ltlax osc 7ke ot Vut ac 72 t Saw dJ 74 8 Z4ML turn to the General Index on the title page pick out the proper group and turn to the applicable group section check the illustrations preceding the group data from the illustrations locate the group number where the required part will be listed V Ok XKddp We 1 44t ZW04 66W V4 z4t xKdo 4 PQht MtG turn to the numerical index at the back of the cataloguedetermine the group number from the numerical listings turn to the proper group in catalogue for the required application 17 1ke Asst Relaoted 66 t Ve ldtKtq d VV Dane 0 Z IIGi ft 44d DBdG J 0L G41R or if there is any doubt as to what it may be submit the old part tagged with the year serial number model make and location of part on the job A sketch showing the shape approximate dimensions etc is also very helpful in assisting us to make correct shipment Suggestions for improving this publication will be most appreciated and should be directed to the attention of the Catalogue Section by using the self addresed post paid correction cards located at the back of this book Additional correction cards are available in the Hang Me Handy Wallet Form P A 626 on a no charge basis from your supplying warehouse Help your Dealership by helping us make your Parts publications the most accurate and dependable in the automotive field Use these handy cards to report known errors and omissions which can be corrected in future Replacement Page Service Revisions