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Parts and Illustration Catalog 25J February 1993 |

BODY GROUP 1 2 000 PONTIAC I PONTIAC 1 I BODY MIOLDINGS SHI ET METAL ALPHABETICAL INDEX A D APPLIOUE Rear Body Lock Pillar 12 942 DECAL Front Door 12 112 ASHTRAY Instrument Panel Ash Tray 12 009 DECAL Rear Compartment L id Rear End Panel and Tail Gate 12 182 DEFLIECTOR Roof Vent Window 12 811 DEFLIECTOR Shroud and Dash and Vent Duct 1 2 804 B DOOR Fuel Tanlk Filler 12 945 BAG Roof Panel 12 810 BAR Floor Pan 12 980 E BAR Front Door Inner Outer 12 895 BAR Rear Door Inner Outer 12 913 BARRIER Body Center 4 12 491 EMBLEM Rear Compartment Lid Rear End Panel BARRIER Luggage Compartment and Rear Seat and Tail Gate 12 182 to Window 12 971 EXTENSION Luggage Compartment and Rear BARRIER Rear Quarter Side Inner 12 941 Seat to Window 12 971 BARRIER Rear Body Lock Pillar 12 942 EXTENSION Rear Ouarter Side Outer 12 940 BARRIER Roof Panel 12 810 EXTENSION Rear Body Lock Pillar 12 942 y BOLT Rear Compartment Lid and End Gate 12 184 EXTENSION Rear Eind 12 966 BOLT Rear Compartment Lid or Tail Gate Counter Balance 12 187 BOLT Rear Compartment Lid or Tail Gate Lock Cylinder 12 242 F BOW Roof 12 952 BRACE Front Body Hinge Pillar to Floor 12 659 BRACE Luggage Compartment and Rear Seat to FILLER Floor Pan 12 980 Window 12 971 FILLER Fuel Tank Filler 12 945 BRACE Rear Compartment Lid and End Gate 12 184 FILLER Rear Compartment Floor or Tail Gate 12 981 BUMPER Fuel Tank Filler 12 945 FRAIVIEE Root Vent Window 12 811 BUMPER Rear Compartment Lid or Tail Gate 12 212 FRAIVIE Windshield Upper and Lower 12 807 BUMPER Roof Panel 12 810 G C GASKET Fuel Tank Filler 12 945 CABLE Rear Compartment Lid or Tail Gate Lock GASKET Rear Compartment 12 181 Cylinder 12 242 GASKET Rear Compartment or Tail Gate Lock 12 247 CABLE Rear Compartment Lid Release or Ajar 12 243 GASKET Rooll ent Window 12 811 CAP Rear Compartment or Tail Gate Lock GUTTER Rear Compartment 12 996 Cylinder 12 249 CAP Rear Quarter Ornamentation 12 116 CLIP Body Moldings 12 118 CLIP Rear Body Lock Pillar 12 942 H CLIP Rear Compartment Lid Release or Ajar 12 243 CLIP Roof Vent Window 12 811 COMPARTMENT Folding Top Compartment 12 170 HANDL E FlearCZompartmen1 Lid Release or Ajar 12 243 CONTACT Rear Compartment Lid or Tail Gate HINGE Rear Cornpartment Lid and End Gate 12 184 Lock Cylinder 12 242 HINGE Roof Vernt VVindow 12 811 COVER Floor Pan 12 980 HOUSING Instrument Panel Ash Tray 12 009 COVER Instrument Panel Ash Tray 12 009 COVER Rear Compartment Floor or Tail Gate 12 981 COVER Roof Vent Window 12 811 CYLINDER KIT Rear Compartment or Tall Gate 12 248 I INEIULATOR Body Moldings r 1 2 118 INEIULATOR Rear Compartment Floor or Tail Gate 12 981 199 3 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE F ARTSOPERATIONS PONT IAC 25J1 12 1 A INDEX L A