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Illustration Catalog 31A July 1987 |

I A A 03 138 L 4 2 D I Tl g 0 m Q Ai m ici 2 I K l 0 0 0 0 mj l X SERIES 7 Q 45 G E V A V ag ga I I A Q Q cn V f I g g X IV O i 0 4 I t i V E 9 Q H 5 9 2 I VIEW A X SERIES V 03 138 1976 A B C E X CRUISE CONTROL 1 LENS Cruise Indicator X Car 3 885 18 SWITCH Stoplight Cruise Release 2 447 2 SWITCH Cruise Cont 3 883 19 CLIP Valve to Brkt 3 885 APPLlO UE Cruise Indicator X Car 3 883 20 PLATE Cruise Release Switch 3 887 3 STUD W Retainer Accel Lever Ball 3 885 21 STRIKET Brk Pedal Stop 2 447 I 4 RETAINER Part of Item 3 3 885 22 SCREW Tap 1 4 14 x 1 2 8 977 5 NUT Hex 10 24 8 915 23 GROMMET Frt of Dash 9 775 6 TUBE W Coupling Chain 3 885 24 STRAP Wire Harn Plastic 2 559 7 SERVO Vacuum 3 885 25 SHAFT Trans to CC Regulator 4 342 8 CONNECTOR Vac Intake Mfld 3 278 26 SHAFT Regulator to Speedo 4 342 9 RETAINER Dash Insulator 3 430 27 HARNESS Cruise Control Regulator 3 887 10 CABLE Throttle Control 3 430 28 REGULATOR Cruise Control 3 885 1 1 CABLE Trans Detent 4 050 TRANSDUCER W Bracket Cruise 12 HARNESS Instr Pnl Wiring 2 480 Control 3 885 1 3 PROTECTOR Cruise Cont Wiring 3 887 29 ROD Servo 3 885 14 LEVER Direction Signal 2 897 30 BOLT Hex 5 16 18 x 5 8 8 900 15 CLIP Switch to Bracket 2 447 31 BRACKET Senro 3 887 16 VALVE Vac Release 3 885 32 POWER KIT SERVO W Bracket 3 885 17 l l0sE vae Bulk 8 962 33 l EvER carb 3 766 34 RETAINER Spring 8 934 1987 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS 0PERATl0NS 0LDSMOBILE 3IA LL 3 000 GROUP 3 32 I 7 87