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Parts and Illustration Catalog 17A May 1991 |

ALPHABE I ICAL INDEX CAP Horn Button 4 4 2 820 CLAMP Transmission Oil Cooler r 4 128 CAP Hub Front and Rear 5 813 CLEANER Air Intake 3 402 CAP Instrument Panel Compartment Door Lock 10 267 CLIP A C Compressor 9 1242 CAP Intake Manifold Vacuum 3 278 CLIP A C Evaporator 9 1211 CAP KIT Hub Front and Rear 5 813 CLIP Accelerator Control 3 430 CAP Power Brake Booster Vacuum 4 931 CLIP Accelerator Cable 3 469 CAP PKG Locking FueI Noin Producion 21 050B CLIP Air Distributor 9 1262 CAP Radiator Filler 1 203 CLIP Auto Jack 8 820 CAP Rear Ouarter Ornamentation 12 116 CLIP Back Body Pillar and Opening 12 968 CAP Rear Window Wiper 12 188 CLIP Back Window Garnish 11 120 CAP Seat Adjuster 11 558 CLIP Back Window Reveal Molding 11 1209 CAP Steerlng Column t 6 518 CLIP Battery Cable 2 343 CAP Steering Pump 6 635 CLIP Body Moldings 12 118 CAPISULE Headlamp 2 725 CLIP Body Wiring 13 090 CAPSULE Transmission Case 4 104 CLIP Body Wiring Rear 13 0908 CAP Wheel Trim 5 858 CLIP Body Wiring Dome Courtesy 13 0900 CAP Windshield Wiper Motor 10 150 CLIP Bralte Hose or Pipe 4 686 CAP Windshield Washer Pump 10 153 CLIP Bumper Guard Mounting 7 829 CAP Windshield Washer 10 154 CLIP Center Pillar 12 113 CARBUREETOR Throttle Body Injection 3 725 CLIP Chassis Engine Wiring Harness 2 559 CARPET front floor 15 286 CLIP Child Safety Seat 14 870 CARPET Load Floor 15 320 CLIP Cruise Control 3 885 CARPET lRear Compartment 15 222 CLIP Cruise Control Vacuum 3 886 CARPET Yardage 15 512 CLIP Door Inside Locking lRod 10 565 CARRIER PKG Roof Deck Lid Production 21 060A CLIP Door Lock 10 474 CARRIER PKG Roof Deck Lid Non Production 21 0608 CLIP Door Lock Inside 10 512 CARRIER Transmission Output Shaft or Carrier 4 175 CLIP Door Outside Handle 10 527 CASE A C Evaporator 9 211 CLIP Door Outside Lock 10 550 CASIE A C Evaporator Blower 9 215 CLIP Early Fuel Evaporation 3 145 CASIE Air Distributor 9 786 CLIP Emiission Control System 3 671 CASIE Differential and Planet 5 510 CLIP Emission Control 3 675 CASIE Heater 8 845 CLIP Engine Coolant Recovery 1 240 I CASIE Heater Core 8 854 CLIP Engine Vacuum Pump 3 280 CASIE Heater And Defroster 8 857 CLIP Evaporation Emission System FueI Tank CASIE Instrument Cluster 9 743 End 3 120 CASIE InsI rument Panel Compartment Door CLIP Front or Rear Door Window 10 685 Lock 10 266 CLIP Front Fender Molding 8 133 CASIE PKGI Cassette Non Production 21 071B CLIP Front Ferider 8 154 CASIE Rear Quarter 15 100 CLIP Fuel Injection 3 302 CASIE Temperature Control 8 858 CLIP Fuel Injection 3 330 CASIE Transmission Case 4 103 CLIP Fuel Pipe 3 162 CASIE Windshield Wiper Mlotor 10 150 C IP Fuel Pump Mounting 3 901 CHAIN Cruise Control 3 885 CLIP Fuel Tank Filler 12 945 CHAIN Engine Timing 0 724 CI P Headlining Trim 14 651 CHANNEL Front or Rear Door Window 10 685 CLIP Heater Core 8 854 CHANNEL Front Door Window Glass Run 10 701 CLIP Hood Latch Release Cable 8 077 CHANNEL IKIT Spark Plug Wire 2 251 CLIP Hood Panel 8 15 CHANNEL PLATE Transmission Control Valve 4 265 CLIP Ignition Switch Warning Lock or CHANNEL IPLATE Transmission Control Valve 4 265A Headlamp 2 I95 CHANNEL Rear Door Window Channel 10 747 CLIP Instrument Cluster 9 744 CHANNEL Rear Door Window Glass Run 10 759 CLIP Instrument Panel Compartment Door 10 268 CLAMP A C Compressor 9 242 CI IP KIT Fuel Injection 3 302 CLAMP A C Refrigerant 9 196 CLIP Lock Pillar Finishing 14 731 CLAMP Air Cleaner and Silencer 3 403 CI P Luggage Compartment and Floor 12 977 CLAMP Alr Cleaner Air Intake 3 417 CLIP Outside Air 9 787 CLAMP Crankcase 1 745 CLIP Parking Brake Cable 4 785 CLAMP Crankcase Ventilation 1 762 CLIP Rear Compartment Lid or Tailgate CLAMP Distributor and Fuel Injector 2 363 Decoration 12 183 CLAMP Emission Control 3 675 CLIP Rear Compartment Lift Window 12 190 CLAMP Emission Control 3 680 CLIP Rear Compartment Lid Release or Ajar 12 243 CLAMP Erriission Control Sensors 3 682 CLIP Rear Quarter Upper Above Belt 14 845 CLAMP Engine Coolant By Pass Hose 1 097 CLIP Rear Quarter 15 1IOO CLAMP Engine Vacuum Pump 3 280 CLIP Rear View Mirror 10 186 CLAMP Engine Fuel 3 890 CLIP Rear Window Wiper 12 188 CLAMP Exhaust Pipe 3 616 CLIP Roof Vent Window 12 811 CLAMP Eiithaust System Attaching 3 708 CI F Seat Adjuster 11 556 CLAMP Front Wheel Drive Axle Shaft 6 061 CI P Seat Adjuster 11 858 CLAMP Fuel Pipe 3 162 CI lF Shroud and Dash andl Vent Duct 12 804 CLAMP Fuel Tank Filler 3 003 CLIP Side Window Defroster 9 780 CLAMP Heater Core 8 854 CLIP Spark Plug Wire 2 251 CLAMP Hose Radiator Heater A C 1 166 CLIP Speedometer Drive Gear 4 345 CLAMP Intake Exhaust Manifoldi 3 273 CI P Steering Pump 6 835 CLAMP KIT Front Wheel Drive Axle Shaft 6 061 CLIP Steering Gear Oil Return 6 871 CLAMP Oil Filler Tube 1 750 CLIP Steering Gear Pump Oil 6 872 CLAMP Oil Filter 1 855 CLIP Tail Gate 12 203 CLAMP Oil Level 1 516 CLIP Tail Lamp 2 864 CLAMP Oil Pump 1 639 CLIP Tail Lamp 2 881 CLAMP Power Brake Booster Vacuum 4 931 CLIP Transmission Shift Lever 4 046 CLAMP Stabilizer Shaft 7 242 CI IP Transmission Control Cable 4 047 CLAMP Steering Tie Rod 6 234 CL IP Transmission Control Lever 4 006 CLAMP Steering Tie Rod 6 242 CLIP Transmission Control Indicator 4 022 CLAMP Steering Gear Pump Oil 6 672 CLIP Transmission Shift Control 4 047 CLAMP Sunshade 10 219 CL P Transmission Detent Shift Control 4 050 CLAMP Throttle Body Coollant Supply 3 337 CL IP Transmission Throttle Valve Control 4 052 1 1891 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS 0 PlElRATIONS CHEVROLET 17A A 5 INDEX