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Parts and Illustration Catalog 25W June 1993
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1988 93 SEAT BlEIL T BUCKLES CAR14 ALL DELUXEI VINYLI TYPE2 l Qjik l1 f vuwt COVERED METAL BUCKLE 1 J BUCKLE fx N U r f V ae E A1 g j7 v Z i TYPE3 TYPE4 TYPE5 Y A AC 110 3 tll 8 1 1111 g fK 1 4 i 1 if I 4 E t s ig 1 in t 5 it M 2 z r I ry T xr I Y lix gif ll g 5 ij X er A 1 519 Y i 2 Vp Ea a TYPE 6 TYPE 8 TYPE 9 Y 2E E ll lk ll A x El E 11 M7 E as 2 9 1 1 j A A S This illustration provides visual iidentification of the various types of production installed seat belts The best distinguishing feature ls the co1n1 lgura tion of the metal D ring that in serts into the buckle The different buckle designs can also be utilized in conjunction with their respective D ring to correctly identify the seat belt type Not all types are available on each model More BUCKLE SIDE INCLUDES 1 EN1 ER i AssENcEE1 Pnovisloms WHEN APPucABLE 1993 GENERAL Momns SERVICE PARTS 0PEn 1ATl0Ns PONTl Ac 25w 6 93 1 4 77 1 4 875