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Parts and Illustration Catalog P&A 14Y January 1985 |

CHEVROLET CHEVROLET ALPHABETICAL INDEX B G BEZEL Fuel Tank Filler 12 945 GLASS Rear Hatch Window 4 4 12 180 BOLT Rear Hatch Window 12 184 GUIDE Roof Panel 12 810 BOLT Rear Hatch Window 12 237 GUSSET Front Body Hinge Pillar to Floor 12 659 BOLT Roof Panel 12 813 GUSSET Windshield Upper and Lower rrr 12 807 BOLT Roof Panel r r r 12 81 BOW Roof 12 952 BRACE Body Lock Pillar 12 684 BRACE Wheelhouse 12 944 H BRACKET Floor Pan 12 980 BRACKET Luggage Compartment and Rear Seat to Window 12 971 HANDLE Body Rear End P astic Laminated 12 986 BRACKET Rear Compartment Floor 12 981 HANDLE Rear Compartment Floor 12 981 BRACKET Rear Hatch Window 12 187 HANDLE Roof Panel 12 810 BRACKET Roof Panel 12 810 HINGE Rear Hatch Window 12 184 BRACKET Roof Panel Storage 12 815 HOOK Rear Compartment Floor 12 981 BUMPER Body Rear End Plastic Laminated 12 986 BUMPER Fuel Tank Filler 12 945 BUSHING Instrument Panel Ash Tray 12 009 BUSHING Rear Hatch Window 12 186 I INSULATOR Floor Pan 12 980 C INSULATOR Rear Body Lock Pillar 12 942 INSULATOR Rear Compartment Floor 12 981 INSULATOR Roof Panel 12 810 CABLE Rear Hatch Window 12 243 CAP Rear Body Lock Pillar 12 942 CLIP Body Moldlngs 12 118 COMPARTMENT Rear Compartment Floor 12 981 L COVER Body Rear End Plastic Laminated 12 986 COVER Fuel Tank Filler 12 945 COVER Rear Compartment Floor 12 981 LATCH Rear Hatch Window 12 247 COVER Roof Panel 12 810 LATCH Roof Panel 12 810 COVER Windshield Upper and Lower 12 807 LOCATOR Roof Panel 12 810 D M DOOR Fuel Tank Filler 12 945 MOLDING Front Door 12 112 DOOR Rear Compartment Floor 12 981 MOLDING Rear Ouarter Ornamentation 12 116 MOLDING Roof Drip 12 075 E N EMBLEM Fuel Tank Filler 12 945 EXTENSION Rear Compartment Floor 12 981 NUT Rear Hatch Window 12 187 NUT Rear Hatch Window 12 237 F P FASTENER Roof Panel 12 810 FRAME Windshield Upper and Lower 12 807 PANEL Body Rear End PIastlc Laminated 12 986 PANEL Rear Body Lock Pillar 12 942 PANEL Rear Compartment Floor 12 981 PANEL Roof Panel 12 810 T WAREHOUSING DISTRIBUTION DlVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CHEVROLET 14Y 12 1A INDEX