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Parts and Accessories Catalog 31 January 1964 |
TRANSMISSIO N IDENTIFICATION 4 SPEED SYNCHRO MESH 5 SPEED SYNCHRO MESH CLARK K Identification stamped on right rear face of case Identification marked on rear face of case at bottom I955 I962 I959 I964 Plant Prefix EXAMPLE CA20 Muncie M C A 2 0 Saginaw S Manufacturer Month Day Year 1963 I964 Clark January 2nd 1 0 Muncie N On 1960 1964 vehicles with a Transmission code on the vehicle Saginaw R identification plate the following codes are used for Clark EXAMPLE M507N Transmissions M S 07 N Code Plant Month Day Shift S Speed Clark CL265V Muncie May Eleventh Night 5 Speed Close ratio Clark CL267V On 1960 1962 vehicles with a Transmission code on the vehicle 5 Speed Overdrive ratio Clark CL267V0 identification plate the code for 4 Speed Transmission is C4 On 1963 1964 vehicles with a Transmission code on the GVW plate the code for 4 Speed Transmission with 292 Cu In 6 SPEED AUTOMATIC Engine is C4 the code for 4 Speed Transmission with 327 Cu In Engine is SC4 P wERMATlcl HYDhAMAT C Idein fic tion plat onEr i tE i E fAces h lso included is a e o manu ac ure ri Identification stamped on tag located on left rear face of case you To Jnunny 57 Series number begins with 1001 on each type transmission 4 Nd col Ph I955 1957 S l 6 7 0000 c rp 4 Red 4 9 10000 c rp 5 umm SOHO MOIICI Pflhx A 4000 zggii CHG55 Series Engine Model Color Plate 6000 261 MT25C2 Red s l 5 6 7 8000 265 MTZSC Y ll SOIIIS PIONX l rr283iy 4000 6 y1 200 55 CHC 55 010000 szz msoc crm 4000 8 cyl 310 CHE 57 gg W5 Series Engine Model Calor Plate 6000 251 m z5c z Red SONGS Mblltl Pllfll 5 6 7 8000 A MTZSC Yellow 4000 6 y1 200 CHC 58 010000 322 348 irraoc Green 4wO 8 cyl 310 CHE S8 gs Series Engine Model Color Plate 5 pEEp yN HR0 ME H 6000 261 MT25C 2 Red 5 6 7 8000 283 MT2SC Yellow NEW pgqcggg gg 10000 283 3 M l g0C Green 22 MT OC 2 Brown I9S6 I964 60 Identification marked on rear face of case at bottom sui Mm MI cd H N P D lY ser so 261 nrrzscz Red I EX MPl E 3279 sei so zss irrzsc veuow 3 27 9 ser 70 sac an wrrsocz sam h DW Y ser 70 Tom ua msoca crm 9 27 1959 ser 7030 348 nrraoc Green On 1963 1964 vehicles with a Transmission code on the GVW NH4 plate the code for 5 Speed New Process is NP Serin Nd CAN Ph All exc TDM SBC MT30C Green 5 SPEED SYNCHRCP MESH SPICER Tandem MT3 XZ3 Green SBC M I 30C2 Brown identification marked on m 2li9 g4CasE at bottom On 1960 1962 vehicles with s Transmission code on the vehicle EXAMPLE DAH 0 giexagicgaggan plate the code for Powennatic Transmission Manuhzmret with 3 1 Ye 0nth1963dve iic es with ta Trransmission 2 C VW plate Dana January Nth 1960 e co e or owerma ic ransmission is On 1960 1964 vehicles with a Transmission code on the vehicle identification plate the following codes are used for Spicer g pEEp YNc Rg ME H FULLER Tmnsm1Sm nS cd On 1964 vehicles with a Transmission code on the GVW plate asm Spicer sam the T S SSi i Fm 5 Speed Close ratio Spicer S31S2A S Speed Overdrive ratio Spicer 3153 S Speed H D Spicer 1963 64 only 56528 5 Speed I I D Close ratio Spicer 1963 64 only S5756B 1963 Chevrolet Motor Dlvlsion General Motors Corporation HDT 7 r V e A 2 2 2 I V