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Parts and Accessories Catalog 31 January 1964 |

ABBREVIATIONS Abs Absorber I FFC Flat Face Cowl A C Automatic Choke Fill Fillister I Ca b t I FIWIII Flywheel A C Gen Alternating Current Flex Flexible J Generator Flg Flange Accel Accelerator Fldg Folding Adj Adjustable Frgd Forged Adjusting Frt Front Air Equip Air Over Hydraulic 4BC 4 Barrel Carburetor Brake and Air Brake Gal Q Gallon Amp Ampere Garn Garnish A O H B Air Over Hydraulic Gen Generator Brake Gov Governor A R As Required A Gskt Gasket As sy Assembly Aux Auxiliary Hex Hexagon Hdle Handle Batt Battery Hd Head Bind Binding Hdlng Headlining Blk Black Hdlp Headlamp Brg Bearing Hsg Housing Brk Brake H T Truck Hydramatic Brkt Bracket Transmission Bpr Bumper Htr Heater Bshg Bushing Hvy Heavy Hy Hyatt Cad Cadmium Hyd Hydraulic C Shaft Camshaft V Carb Carburetor ID Inside Diameter Carr Carrier Ident Identification Ch Chassis Ign Ignition Chnl Channel Imit Imitation Chr Chrome Incl Includes Ck C Crankcase Ind Indicator Ck Shaft Crankshaft Inl Inlet C bore Counterbore Instr Instrument y Comb Combination Ins l Insulator Compt Compartment Int Internal Compr Compression Intake Conn Connecting Inter Intermediate Ctr S Countershaft C sunk Countersunk K Pm Kmg Pm Ctr Center Lea Leather Cush Cushion L Left Cyl v1i der Lcr Low cab Forward L D Light Duty Dbl D b1 LH Left Hand D D Lg Long Def Defroster Lw Lowe Dev Developed mapu mapm agm Mex M DIR Diameter Mkd M k d mrs pirmeauan Mee Meeter Dist plstl lbum Matl Material Div Division Mech Mechan ical Dr Door Med Medium und Drilled Mer Member Min Minimum Econ Economy Mfld Manifold Emerg Emergency M1d MO I1dI I Eng Engine Mtg Mounting Equip Equipment Mtr Rod Metering Rod Escn Escutcheon Exc Except ND New Departure l Exch Exchange NL Not Listed 1 Exh Exhaust No Number Expan Expansion NP New Process Ext External V NSS Not Serviced Exm Extension Separately 2 orugaa Chavrolat Motor Dnvisnon HDT G ner I Motors Corporation