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Parts and Accessories Catalog 17W June 1991 |

ALPHABETICAL INDEX P RESTRICTION Venturi Cluster 3 790 RESTRICTOR Fuel Line 3 163 RETAINER Accelerator Control 3 425 PEDAL Accelerator Pedal 4 3 451 RETAINER Accelerator Cable 3 469 PIN Accelerator Pedal Mounting 3 452 RETAINER Air Cleaner Intake 3 410 PIN Carburetor and Fuel Meter Float Lever 3 747 RETAINER Air Cleaner Controls 3 415 PIN Cruise Control 3 885 RETAINER Air Cleaner Air Intake 3 417 PIN Fuel Injector Pump 3 306 RETAINER Catalytic Converter 3 690 PIN Fuel Injection Distributor 3 340 RETAINER Carburetor 3 755 PIN Throttle Position E F I 3 764 RETAINER Carburetor and Fuel Injection Fast PIPE Choke Heater or Air 3 603 Idle 3 755 PIPE Early Fuel Evaporation 3 145 RETAINER Carburetor Pump 3 841 PIPE Emission Control 3 675 RETAINER Cruise Control 3 880 PIPE Engine Fuel Intake Manifold 3 265 RETAINER Cruise Control 3 885 PIPE Engine Vacuum Pump 3 280 RETAINER Cruise Control 3 887 PIPE Evaporation Emission System Fue Tank RETAINER Emission Control System 3 671 End 3 120 RETAINER Emission Control 3 675 PIPE Exhaust 3 609 RETAINER Emission Control 3680 PIPE Exhaust Tail Pipe 3 705 RETAINER Evaporation Emission System Fue PIPE Fuel Injection 3 330 Tank End 3 120 PIPE Fuel Line 3 163 RETAINER Exhaust Manifold End Bolt 3 604 PIPE Fuel Tank Filler 3 003 RETAINER Exhaust Muffler 3 704 PIPE Multi Port Fuel Injection Idle Air 3 338 RETAINER Fuel Tank Evaporator ControI Engine PLATE Accelerator Pedal 3 451 End 3 130 PLATE Accelerator Pedal Lever 3 454 RETAINER Fuel Pipe 3 162 PLATE Air Cleaner Air Intake 3 417 RETAINER Fuel Line 3 163 PLATE Air Injection Reactor Pump 3 655 RETAINER Fuel Injection 3 330 PLATE Carburetor Choke 3 751 RETAINER Instrument Panel Fuel Gage 3 108 PLATE Carburetor and Fuel Injection Choke 3 752 RETAINER KIT Automatic Choke Control 3 750 PLATE Engine Vacuum Pump 3 280 RETAINER Thermo Vacuum 3 681 PLATE Exhaust Manifold Heater 3 602 RING Accelerator Pedal Lever 3 454 PLATE Fuel Pump Mounting 3 901 RING Carburetor and Fuel Injection Choke 3 752 PLENUM Engine Fuel Intake Manifold 3 265 RING Electronic Fuel Injection 3 320 PLUG Emission Control 3 675 RING Fuel Injector Pump 3 306 PLUG Emission Control 3 680 ROD Bi JET KIT Carburetor Metering 3 806 PLUG Engine Fuel Intake Manifold 3 265 ROD Accelerator Pedal 3 431 PLUG Engine Fuel 3 890 ROD Carburetor and Fuel Injection Choke 3 752 PLUG Fuel Injector Pump 3 306 ROD Carburetor Fast Idle 3 768 PLUG Intake Exhaust Manifold 3 275 ROD Cruise Control 3 885 PLUG Intake Manifold Vacuum 3 278 ROD Fuel Pump 3 935 POWER Carburetor Power 3 858 ROTOR Engine Vacuum Pump 3 280 POWER Throttle Body Injection 3 725 PROTECTOR Accelerator Pedal Lever 3 454 PROTECTOR Cruise Control 3 887 PULLEY Air Injection Reactor Pump 3 650 S PULLEY Engine Vacuum Pump 3 280 PULLEY Fuel Injection Distributor 3 340 PULSATOR Fuel Tank Meter 3 107 SCREEN Air Cleaner Air Intake 3 417 PUMP Air Injection Reactor Pump 3 660 SCREW LOCKWASHER Carburetor 3 755 PUMP Carburetor with Leather and Shaft 3 838 SCREW LOCKWASHER Carburetor and Fuel PUMP CUP Carburetor with Leather and Shaft 3 838 Injection Fast Idle Cam 3 767 PUMP CUP KIT Carburetor with Leather and SCREW 8i PLUG KIT Throttle Position E F I 3 764 Shaft 3 838 SCREW ASSORT KIT TBI Carburetor 3 724 PUMP Electronic Fuel Injection 3 320 SCREW Carburetor Idle 3 440 PUMP Engine Vacuum Pump 3 280 SCREW Carburetor Air 3 730 PUMP Fuel Injector Pump 3 306 SCREW Carburetor Choke 3 751 PUMP Fuel Pump 3 900 SCREW Carburetor and Fuel Injection Choke 3 752 SCREW Carburetor and Fuel Injection Fast Idle 3 766 SCREW Carburetor Pump Outlet Valve 3 825 SCREW Carburetor Pump 3 841 R SCREW Carburetor Pump 3 842 SCREW Carburetor Power 3 858 SCREW Catalytic Converter 3 690 RAIL Fuel Injection 3 330 SCREW Cruise Control 3 880 REBUILD KIT Catalytic Converter 3 685 SCREW Engine Vacuum Pump 3 280 REDUCER Intake Manifold Vacuum 3 278 SCREW Fuel Injector Pump 3 306 REGULATOR Cruise Control 3 885 SCREW Fuel Pump Mounting 3 901 REGULATOR Early Fuel Evaporation Control 3 140 SCREW Fuel Tank Mounting Strap 3 023 REGULATOR Emission Control 3 675 SCREW Intake Exhaust Manifold 3 275 REGULATOR Fuel Injector Pump 3 306 SCREW KIT Carburetor Air 3 730 REGULATOR KIT Carburetor Float 3 734 SCREW Throttle Position E F I 3 764 REINFORCEMENT Air Cleaner Air Intake 3 417 SEAL Air Cleaner and Silencer 3 403 REINFORCEMENT Accelerator Pedal Lever 3 454 SEAL Air Cleaner Air Intake 3 417 REINFORCEMENT Exhaust Pipe 3 616 SEAL Carburetor and Fuel Injection Choke 3 752 RELAY Automatic Choke Control 3 750 SEAL Carburetor Throttle 3 762 RELAY Carburetor Idle 3 440 SEAL Carburetor Pump 3 841 RELAY Early Fuel Evaporation Control 3 140 SEAL Carburetor Power 3 858 RELAY Emission Control System 3 670 SEAL Electronic Fuel Injection 3 320 RELAY Emission Control Sensors 3 682 SEAL Engine Vacuum Pump 3 280 RELAY Fuel or Air Meter 3 314 SEAL Exhaust Pipe 3 611 RELAY Fuel Pump 3 900 SEALER Emission Control Sensors 3 682 REPAIR Throttle Body Injection 3 725 SEAL Fuel Injector Pump 3 306 RESONATOR Air Cleaner Air Intake 3 417 SEAL Fuel Injection 3 330 RESONATOR Exhaust 3 702 SEAL Fuel Injection Distributor 3 340 1991 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS 0PERAT ONS CHEVROLET 17W INDEX 3 4A