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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1965 |

GENERAL mronmmiom 0 2 i E E V EE VA V 3 It is extremely important to position a enert piece M T ettt 1 ef 4 x4 between the ereeearni er the lifting enng K f r A i V e t and the engine skid plate so that it lifts at the t VEE r center of the engine below the skid plate This is j V V necessary t0 prevent above mentioned damage T eg E Lifting Car With Drive on Hoist p iVg L F pjen Many dealer service facilities and service stations are vit V A now equipped with a type of automotive hoist which must i J bear upon some part of the frame in order to lift the 4 it if vehicle In Figure 4 the shaded areas indicate areas V recommended for hoist contact ia y et Lifting with the Auto Jack L N i Lifting areas on Corvair models are shown in Figure We 4 i 4 When locating the auto jack be sure the tab on the az jack catches the outer body flange thus preventing it from sliding too far under the vehicle LUBRICATION Fig 3 T0wing Sling Hook Attachment TRANSMISS ON POWERGL DE Every 6 000 miles check fluid level on dip stick 1 Use a lifting sling employing the principle of the located in the right front of the engine compartment with sling shown engine idling selector lever in NEUTRAL position 2 Attach the tow hooks of the lifting sling to the outer parking brake set and transmission at operating tem ends of the rear strut rods If the strut rods cannot perature If fluid level is below full mark on dipstick be used because of damage or failure the tow hooks add small amount of automatic transmission fluid Use or chains can be attached through the bracket which either General Motors Automatic Transmission Fluid attaches the forward end of the torque control arms Part Numbers 1050012 3 4 available at your Chevrolet to the body Dealer which has been especially formulated and tested CONVERTIBLE omv E i E i i I t i L a E A em 2 K M 4 C rr pmvs ON HOIST 1AcK OR Hoist uFT Fig 4 Lifting Point Diagram CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL SUPPLEMENT