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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1965 |

GENERAL INFORMATION 0 3 for use in your Automatic Transmission to provide maxi sump and add two 2 quarts of fresh fluid Operate mum trouble free operation or other approved Automatic transmission through all ranges and check fluid level Transmission Fluid Type A identified by the Mark as described above AQ ATF followed by a number and the suffix letter A Recheck fluid level on dipstick and again add a small REAR AXLE amount of fluid if needed to bring level to full mark DO Since the rear axle engine compartment dip stick has NOT OVERFILL been discontinued the lubricant level will have to be checked at the filler plug NOTE From the Add 011 mark to the Fuu Eveiry Gt 000 miles check rear axle lubricant levfel at mark On the dip Stick indicates 3 difference Of opera mg empera ure Keep lubricant at level of iller plug If rear axle 1S low check three or four speed only l pint of fluid transmission lubricant level also Keep filled with SAE 80 or SAE 80 90 multi purpose gear lubricant meeting Every 12 000 miles more frequently depending on requirements of U S Ordnance Spec MIL L 2105B severity of service if vehicle is used to pull trailer On vehicles equipped with Positraction axles use the carry full loads during high ambient temperatures op above mentioned lubricant as Special Positraction lube erate in mountainous terrain or operate under other will cause hard shifting on standard transmissions in severe conditions Remove fluid from the transmission cold weather 7 3 SPEED 4 SPEED AUTOMATIC 6 1 H 8 4 y r s y ss sg i if I L is L l D J A L yi Y gw I E k 7 l S S i cl wv VF jlgn 1 lil l l 1 rr E rr 7 l Je li 1 1 Vi l l j Wir Qi fw V vcr Jr p i ln l l il l I J li lil l 9 ip l ii i i i i i i in i Ji 2 i lk fi iii iiirlll z l I r A l its I i viii 9 ln M e i ir li L l L 7 Y il wa l W riwll i l li I i if i li t i T l 2 i ll l l 5 t l L il l Yr E gi i i 1 i lr fl Illia l A it I L I I Y L i c il gggr W 1 i is it il Sw g S X ly more icic E ii cc a L rr J M L lx lr K K Fiji 7 r7rWrr I T I lg i M g J I Maia l t CL 3 6 1 12 10 LUBRICATE EVERY 6000 MILES GL Multi purpose Gear Lubricant AT Automatic Transmission Fluid Type A LUBRICATE EVERY I2000 MILES WB Wheel Bearing Lubricant BF Brake Fluid Whenever Brakes are serviced LUBRICATE EVERY 36000 MILES Clrchussis Lubricant EO Engine Oil Fig 5 Corvair Lubrication Diagram l Front Suspension 5 Engine Oil 8 Rear Axle ll Parking Brake and Clutch 2 Steering Linkage Cooler 9 Oil Filter Cables 3 Steering Gear 6 Wheel Bearings lO Battery l2 Brake Master Cylinder 4 Air Cleaner 7 Transmission COFIVAIR SHOP MANUAL SUPPLEMENT