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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1966 |

The 1967 Corvair engine electrical system except for Manual The design changes and service procedures the items noted in this supplement is essentially the same listed in this section supersedes information published in as the system described in the 1965 Corvair Chassis Shop the 1965 manual BATTERY INDEX Page Page General Description GY 1 Battery Charging 6Y 4 Dry Charged Batteries 6Y 2 Slow Charging GY 5 Activating Dry Charged Batteries 6Y 3 Fast Charging 6Y 5 Wet Charged Batteries 6Y 3 Emergency Boost Charging 6Y 5 Periodic Service GY 3 Battery Test Procedures 6Y 5 Common Causes of Failure 6Y 3 Visual Inspection 6Y 5 Level Indicator GY 3 Instrument Test 6Y 5 Electrolyte Level 6Y 4 Full Charge Hydrometer Test 6Y G Water Usage GY 4 Specific Gravity Readings GY 6 Cleaning 6Y 4 Specific Gravity Cell Comparison Test 6Y 6 Cables 6Y 4 Installing Batteries 6Y 6 Carrier and Holddovsm 6Y 4 Replacement GY 7 Battery Safety Precautions 6Y 4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Battery fig lb is made up of a number of sepa rate elements each located in an individual cell in a hard rubber case Each element consists of an assembly of ONE PIECE positive plates and negative plates containing dissimilar CELL COVER ELECTROLYTE LEVEL active materials and kept apart by separators The ele LNDLCALOR ments are immersed in an electrolyte composed of dilute L L sulfuric acid Plate straps located on the top of each VENT PLUG MU ggyy was a i element connect all the positive plates and all the nega V I g 1 L V y i tive plates into groups The elements are connected in g t series electrically by connectors that pass iiiisctiy A g as t stssssss r r sss through the cass partitions hstwssh tolls The battstv top Z iii I i iiri z iii II1 II I R II is a one piece cover of hard rubber construction The V V VVV iiiii cell COHHGCICOYS by passing through the cell partitions 4 connect the elements along the shortest practical path fig Zh V With the length of the electrical circuit inside the Bat tery reduced to a minimum the internal voltage drop is decreased resulting in improved performance pa1 ticu larly during engine cranking at 1 w temperatures The hard smooth one piece cover greatly reduces the I tendency for corrosion to form on the top of the Battery The cover is bonded to the case with sealing compound fZ Ci j Z T Y C that forms an air tight seal between the cover and case Protection for the Battery charging circuit 10 gage i V HOLD DOWN SLOT wire is provided by a pigtail lead which is a fusible link E off the battery positive cable 14 gage wire This lead is an integral part of the Battery cable assembly and servicing requires replacingthe complete cable assembly Fig lb B He y CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL SUPPLEMENT