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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1966 |

CHARGING SYSTEM 6Y 8 INDEX Page Page Delcotron Output Test 6Y 8 Voltage Regulator GY 9 System Condition Test 6Y 8 Fusible Links 6Y l0 Adjusting Regulator Voltage 6Y 9 DELCOTRON OUTPUT TEST Ammeter Method 1 Disconnect the battery ground cable at the battery E T T V 2 Disconnect the red wire at Delcotron battery terminal il and connect an ammeter in series between the wire T2 3 and terminal RR V 3 Connect a voltmeter from battery terminal to a good r FUSIBLE ground on the generator I UNK 4 Disconnect the F R terminal connector at the Delco tron 5 Connect the jumper wire between Delcotron F and r battery terminals 7 6 Connect the battery ground cable at the battery M I V 7 Connect an adjustable carbon pile across the battery V T V 5 R posts 1 L 8 Start the engine and slowly bring the speed to 1500 RPM and at the same time adjust the carbon pile load to hold the voltage at 14 volts 9 Read the amperage and compare with a specifications Fig I D 1T OUIPUI T Amm Mefhed chart 10 Turn off ignition disconnect battery ground cable and remove all test equipment SYSTEM CONDITION TEST 11 11 the D 1 fr9 meets the test S1 1f1 t1 S the This testis used to indicate the evemn condition dune Pmbl m 13 110t 111 th 11 1 t01 charging system both good and defective and to isolate 12 lf the Delcotron fails to meet the test specifications ths majfuncmmmg unit if the System is dsfsctivs This remove it and perform bench tests and make repairs test may be used on models with either a generator indi needed cator lamp or ammeter JUMPER LEAD RESISTOR BY PASS NEEDED GENERATOR WHEN cRANi iNo ENGINE I QW B R I I4 BRN BAT FUSIBLE LINK 2 T IOR REGULATOR O A 1 NBER v R I 4 OHM TEST 6B VOLTMETER W RESISTOR FUSIBLE FUSIBLE Q LINK LINK I TO IGN IOR IGN SWITCH 3 Fig 2c VoIt ge Setting Test Connections CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL SUPPLEMENT