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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1966 |

THREE SPEED TRANSMISSION 7 2 MANUAL TRANSMISSIONS THREE SPEED TRANSMISSION INDEX Page Page General Description 7 2 Mainshaft 7 5 Transmission Assembly 7 2 Assembly 7 5 Disassembly of Case Components 7 2 Assembly of Case Components 7 5 Mainshaft 7 2 Maintenance and Adjustments 7 7 Disassembly 7 2 Side Cover Assembly 7 7 Cleaning and Inspection 7 3 Removal 7 7 Transmission Case 7 3 Disassembly 7 7 Front and Rear Bearings 7 4 Assembly 7 7 Bearing Rollers 7 4 Installation 7 8 Gears 7 4 Gearshift Control Assembly 7 8 Reverse Idler Gear Bushing 7 4 Shim Stack Selection 7 8 Repairs 7 5 Shift Adjustment 7 9 Clutch Keys and Springs 7 5 Manual Transmission Removal 7 9 GENERAL DESCRIPTION In essence the Corvair manual three speed trans 2 Remove clutch gear bearing cover and gasket mission is a conventional synchromesh type except for 3 Remove clutch gear to bearing snap ring the use of concentric input and output shafts and its 4 Since the clutch gear bearing is a slip fit to both the mounting on the differential carrier clutch gear and case bore it may now be easily re Because of its attachment to the differential carrier moved from the case by tapping from inside the the mainshaft is hollow to permit passage of the clutch case with a brass drift used through the side cover shaft to the clutch gear at the front of the transmission opening The clutch gear drives a countergear and the remaining 5 Remove reverse idler gear retainer E ring and power flow sequence is identical to the conventional the rear bearing retainer strap and bolt Fig 2A three speed transmission 6 Remove rear bearing retainer mainshaft pilot bear In the transmission the shift rod carries a finger ings and clutch gear as an assembly out through which extends upward to engage either the first and re rear of case verse fork or the second and third fork located in the NOTE MOVE Synchmnizer Sleeves forward as cover depending on shift lever position As the two necessary to allow clearance between mamshaft forks are parallel to each other a slight rotational mo tion or the shift rod places the actuating finger in the md t g SS mb1 S proper fork and permits the desired shift An interlock 7 Using a long drift through the clutch gear bearing between the two fork shafts holds the fork not being case bore drive out the reverse idler shaft and its actuated in the neutral crossover position woodruff key Remove the reverse idler gear and The cover installed on the left hand side of the trans tanged thrust washer mission is a casting with accommodations for internal 8 Using Tool J 22246 and a plastic hammer drive the shift control components other than the selector shaft countershaft and its woodruff key out the rear of and the selector The cover has a threaded through hole case Fig 3A Remove countergear roller bearings in the area of the first and reverse shift fork and shaft and tanged thrust washers through rear case bore The backup lamp switch is installed in this hole and ac 9 If desired remove two screws and lock washers at tuated by a ball when the shaft is in the reverse detent taching shift finger to selector shaft and remove The same cover first and reverse Shifter head and f0I k shaft out front of case Fig 4A assembly used as first and second head to shaft at 10 The shaft seal may now be pryed from the case and taching pins second and third shifter shaft used as third replaced if necessary and fourth detent balls and detent springs are also used MAINSHAFT in the Corvair four speed transmission All drive gears have helical teeth and all forward Di SS mb y Fig 6A gears are 5yn hrOnjz d 1 Using snap ring pliers remove the 2nd and 3rd speed sliding clutch hub snap ring from mainshaft and remove clutch assembly 2nd speed blocker ring and 2nd speed gear from front of mainshaft TRANSM SSl0N ASSEMBLY 2 Remove rear bearing to mainshaft snap ring 3 Support reverse gear with press plates J 9771 or qUiV31 I t and pI SS OH I 3I of H 13 iI ISh3ft to remove reverse gear thrust washer spring 1 Remove side cover gasket and shift forks washer rear bearing and bearing retainer assembly CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL SUPPLEMENT