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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1967 |

CONTENTS OF THIS SECTION Page General Information GM 1 Rochester H and HV Carburetors 6M l Special Tools 6M 6 Servicing the 1968 Corvair Engine Fuel System re Section 6 Engine Tune Up mains basically the same as outlined in the 1965 Corvair The air cleaners for the 1968 Corvair remain basi Shop Manual except for the items covered in this sec cally the same as outlined in the 1965 Corvair Shop tion the specifications covered in the Specifications Manual except for the air conditioned vehicles which section and Carburetor Synchronization Idle Speed and due to the air conditioning condenser being relocated Mixture Adjustment and Choke Adjustment covered in now use the single element air cleaner INDEX Page Page I General Description GM 3 Vacuum Break Adjustment Model HV 6lVl 4 Adjustment Procedures 6M 3 Choke Rod Adjustment Model HV GM 4 Float Level Adjustment Models I I and HV 6IVI 3 Choke Unloader Adjustment Model HV 6M 4 Float Drop Ad ustment Models Il and HV 6M 3 Fast Idle Adjustment Model HV 6M 5 Pump Rod Adjustment l Iodels I and HV GM 3 Lockout Adjustment Model H GM 5 Idle Vent Valve Adjustment Model IIV GM 3 c HoKE SHAFT KICK LEVER LOCKOUT L VACUUM ACIUATING a V A H AGM A LEVER gilgg CHOKE SHAFT V L L V i E L OLJTER LEVER Lus i sLi sLL P ili I i 1 Lssp LOCKOUT R Ltus LITL 7 FAST DLE LEVER S lii CAM puy g P p ga L s ttti PORT L L FAST DLE THROTTLE jg THROTTLE ii i L A TANG TANG MTXTURE THR0TTLE j jVL UNLOADER CURB IDLE ACCELERATOR SCREW LEVER TANG SCREW LOCKOUT F UMP L L u g ttii L ra ACTUAT G LEVER FUEL MET X T Z cHoKr SHAFT TANG j j f AND FILTER M A ACTUATING V LLLLIL e P Li A was i Tg w ir V j r krr 2 rk Wm V A w i 3 K FUEL ra V L W A g kl j INLET fggg iyi Lt gA il r ACCELERATOR dsir SHAFT LLA 4 LT g S VACUUM E PUMP V DLAFHRAGM I TRL LEVER I ADAPTER TUBE 1 V M H rj L L Z I s L T cL L X THROTTLE SHAFT i i PUMP LEVER Fig I Roehesrer H Carburetor F 9 2 R Cb St T HV CGFPUVFIOV CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL SUPPLEMENT