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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1967 |

BATTERY 6Y 3 PERIODIC SERVICING Since the Battery is a perishable item which requires t periodic servicing a good maintenance program will in sure the longest possible Battery life INDICATOR i COMMON CAUSES OF FAIILURE I ll lf the Battery tests good but fails to perform satis Vyyyw A factorily in service for no apparent reason the following are some of the more important factors that may point to the cause of the trouble F I V 1 Vehicle accessories inadvertently left on overnight 4 ll I i L Y to cause a discharged condition Zi EJ V k V fg Va 2 t E5 2 Slow speed driving of short duration to cause an J under charged condition 3 A Vehicle electrical load exceeding the generator Capacity I I 4 Defect in the charging system such as high resist E mi Ti W ance slipping fan belt faulty generator or voltage regulator ELECTROLYTE LEVEL 5 Battery abuse including failure to keep the Battery LOW top clean cable clamps and posts clean and tight I and improper addition of water to the cells LEVEL Fig 6b Cut away View Showing Eiectrolyte at Low Level The Battery features an electrolyte level indicator wuh ndiCg1 OrHqVing 9h Appe r nee which is a specially designed vent plug with a transparent rod extending through the center fig 5b When the electrolyte is at the proper level the lower tip of the rod An alternate method of checking the electrolyte level is is immersed and the exposed top of the rod will BPPGHY to remove the vent plug and visually observe the electro very dark when the level falls below the tip of the rod lyte level in the vent wall The bottom of the vent well the top will glow The Indicator reveals at a glance if features a split vent which will cause the surface of the water is needed without the necessity of removing thi electrolyte to appear distorted when it makes contact vent plugs fig Gb The electrolyte level is correct when the distortion first The Level Indicator is used in only one cell second cell appears at the bottom of the split vent fig 4b cap from positive Battery post because when the electro lyte level is low in one cell it is normally low in all cells Thus when the Indicator shows water is needed ELECTROLYTE LEVEL check the level in all six cells The electrolyte level in the Battery should be checked regularly In hot weather particularly during trip driv ing checking should be more frequent because of more rapid loss of water If the electrolyte level is found to INDICATOR I be low then colorless odorless drinking water should be added to each cell until the liquid level rises to the split X vent located in the bottom of the vent well DO NOT M OVERFILL because this will cause loss of electrolyte re ii sulting in poor performance short life and excessive E corrosion CAUTION During service only water should be IV lj I gddgd to the Battery not electrolyte The liquid level in the cells should never be allowed to drop below the top of the plates as the portion of the g L plates exposed to air may be permanently damaged with a pj resulting loss in performance M r I i Eiscrnoivre Level CORRECT Excessive usage of water indicates the Battery is being overcharged The most common causes of overcharge i are high Battery operating temperatures or too high a voltage regulator setting Normal Battery water usage Fig 5b Cur away View Showing Eiecrrolyre r Proper Level is approximately one to two ounces per month per With indicator Having Dark Appearance baiit fy CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL SUPPLEMENT