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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1967 |

BATTERY 6Y 4 CLEANING 2 D0 not break live circuits at the terminals of Bat The external condition of the Battery should be checked terms beceuse a Seaek usually Occurs et the pomt where a 11V circuit 1S broken Care must always periodically for damage or for the presence of dirt and be take he O t d t b t corrosion The top of the Battery should be kept clean leads O gbl iarmec mgfort j e et mg OCS Gr An accumulation of acid film and dirt may permit current necticm are ac gms On as C mreellsk OC com to flow between the terminals which will slowly discharge which Cilu 9 6 1 C mmm Cause O 9 ec mea ams the Battery For best results when cleaning the top of S Xp OSIOUS Batteries wash first with a diluted ammonia or a soda solution to neutralize any acid present then flush with clean water Care lmust be taken to keep vent plugs tight BATTERY CHARGING so that the neutralizing solution does not enter the cells There are three methods of recharging Batteries They CABLES differ basically in the length of time the Battery is To insure good electrical emteet the oehles should be etiereed e t the rete et Whtth thereme eurrettt te Sue elean and tlght en the Battery peStS If the pests er plied One IS the Slow Charge method the second IS the cable terminals are corroded the cables should be dis Feet Charge metheur Emu the uuru IS the Emergency connected and the terminals and clamps cleaned sepa Beest Cheree meu Ou retely with e soda solution and e wire brush After Befere reehereme e Bettery by ehy methett the e1ee eleanlng apply e thm eeetlng Of petroleum jelly tm the trolyte level must be checked and adjusted lf necessary cable clamps to retard corrosion SLOW CHARGING CARRIER AND HQLD DOWN The Slow Charge method supplies the Battery with a The Battery eerrter and he1d dOWu Should be tteen eee relatively low current flow for a relatively long period of tree from COYYOSIOH befere msteuhug the Bett erY The time This is the only method that will bring the Battery carrier should be in a sound mechanical condition so that te 3 full state Or eh3rge it will support the Battery securely and keep it level The Slew Charge method eenslsts er eherglrlg at ep To prevent the Battery from shaking in its carrier the prexlmately a 4 ampere rate for 24 hours er mere if u 1d dOwu belts Should be tight 6O 80 m 1bS HOW necessary to bring the Battery to full charge A fully th blt hld tbt ht dtth the even e O S S eu ue e lg eue O epem W re charged condition is reached when the cells are gasslng the Eettery ease er Cuvee W111 be placed under e Severe freely and three corrected specific gravity readings taken Strem at hourly intervals show no increase BATTERY SAFETY PRECAUTIONS When Batteries are being charged an explosive gas FAST CHARGING mixture forms in each cell Part of this gas escapes through the holes in the vent plugs emu may form eh ex The Feet Charge method Supplies eurreht te the Bet plosive atmosphere around the Battery itself it ventilation tery et e 40 te 50 empere rate fer e 1 1 2 heur peried ef is poor This explosive gas may remain in or around the time If the eleCtI O1yIie temperature reaches 125OF be Battery for several hours after lt hes been ehergeu fere the 1 1 2 heur peried is 0OYY P19t d the Bettery Sparks or flames can ignite this gas causing an internal must he tak n Off Charge t9mP0I 31 UY OT the Charging explosion which may shatter the Battery Although a Battery cannot be brought to a fully charged The following precautions should be observed to pre condition during Fast Charge it can be substantially re vent an explosion charged or boosted In order to bring the Battery to a 1 Do not smoke near Batteries being charged or which fully charged condition the charging cycle must be fin have been very recently charged ished by the Slow Charge method 12 VOLT BATTERY SUGGESTED CHARGING RATES 100 Amp hr or Less Capacity LENGTH OF CHARGING TYPE OF CHARGE TIME RATE Boost Charge for Light Load Test 20 Minutes 50 Amps Slow Charge 24 Hours 4 Amps Fast Charge 1 1 2 Hours 40 50 Amps Emergellcy Quick Boost 30 Minutes 40 50 Amps Dry Charge Warm up Boost 10 Minutes 15 Amps CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL SUPPLEMENT