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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1967 |

CHARGING SYSTEM 6Y 10 FUSIBLE LINKS A fusible link is a length of special wire normally four BAYTERV wire gages smaller than the circuit it is protecting used Puig Q wma UNK in wiring circuits that are not normally fused such as the W RESMOR ignition circuit The same size wire with a hypalon in D M sulation must be used when replacing a fusible link T NSW 0 Three links are located in the engine compartment wir P ing harnesses and each link will be identified with its REGULATOR gauge size These links are mp mule 1 The pigtail lead at the battery positive cable is a F REW 14 gage brown fusible link protecting the 10 gage v battery charging circuit This wire is an integral part of the battery cable assembly and servicing re l gf quires replacing the complete battery cable assembly w W Q 2 A 16 gage black fusible link is installed between the 1 1 junction block and in line connector to protect all un J 5 T I fused wiring of 12 gage or larger It is a serviceable uslconzow oz V 7 4 Di C 3 Ild IlOt l1 lt gI 3 1 with the Wlflflg h2I Il SS DEMBLQJOE FUSIBLEUNK 3 The generator warning light and field circuitry 16 gage wire is protected by a fusible link 20 gage wire used in the battery feed to voltage regulator 3 terminal wire fig 40 The link is installed as a molded splice in the generator and forward lamp harness and is serviced by splicing in a new 20 gage Fig 4c Voltage Regulator Internol Circuitry wire as required CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL SUPPLEMENT