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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1967 |
sonv AND CHASSIS Elscrmcxu 12 9 c Hold bellows plunger arm from moving then push 8 Actuator Drive Pin in against bottom of bellows with thumb and twist a Remove actuator spring 90 to remove bellows and bellows spring from b Slide actuator drive from washer base housing 9 To assemble washer unit reverse above procedures Three fusible links are located in the engine compart requires replacing the complete battery cable ment wiring harnesses and each link is identified with its assembly gauge size A fusible link is a length of special wire 2 A 16 gauge black fusible link is installed between the normally four wire gauges smaller than the circuit it is junction block and in line connector to protect all un protecting used in wiring circuits that are not normally fused wiring of 12 gauge or larger It is a service fused such as the ignition circuit The same size wire able piece and not integral with the wiring harness with a hypalon insulation must be used when replacing a 3 The generator warning light and field circuitry 16 fusible link The links are gauge wire is protected by a fusible link 20 gauge wire used in the battery feed to voltage regulator 1 The pigtail lead at the battery positive cable is a 14 3 terminal wire The link is installed as a molded gauge brown fusible link protecting the 10 gauge splice in the generator and forward lamp harness battery charging circuit This wire is an integral and is serviced by splicing in a new 20 gauge wire part of the battery cable assembly and servicing as required 4 i N c F n U N g as a nn g Q U O R S 9 B N Af s fr I U z Q LDQ xl U V LAMPS Q G il x Ggs C k LT Q IG S UMD Cr N 5 M o ST ME L Q Op r pg AIFUSU N L k if L LP S I 7 m 1 Q yl Ol Fig I9 Fuse Panel CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL SUPPLEMENT