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Parts and Accessories Catalog 78TM September 1982 |

PARTS BOOK FORMAT 0ty lleq d Part No Model Nsage Additional information 50 80 85 8 508 GEAI1 S1EEllING Also See NP0 N 18 0010 I I 1812185 GE GS Manual F050 F010 Axle I 1 1812188 TE TG TM ManxaI F010 Axle 1 1815882 GE GM ME Power F000 FI20 Axle Ouantitles required are shown inthe lelt hand columns under 50 80 85 Model serles a plus In this column Indicates parts are not servlced but are listed t r relerence only The Part Number ls llsted next lollowed by model usage The terms used lor model usage are explalned below In all Instances there is only ne noun name wlthln a group headlng ln the sample group 8 508 Is WDDGM and group 18 0010 is GMC lnlormation llsted tothe right is either vendor number attaching part inlormation or additional classlllcatlon ot model usage Model and wheelbase relerences are made by use 1TrucI1 Model Serles ldentitlcatlon Chan lnlormatlon concernlng Standard and Optlonal Equipment n Engine Axles and Transmissions are lound in the lollowing charts ln some areas model chassls type Is not shown In the Model Usage column tor example axle components rather a speclllc axle type ls indicated and ls appllcable to the chassls type restrlcted to that particular axle However lor y ur convenience in the tirst group ol the axle section complete assemblies are llsted lor relerence only and do show model appllcation and can he o1 assistance ln determining the correct component part number requlred l r a partlcular axle Also In some cases component part numbers ara shown as part ot Assemblies In the Model usage column lor example Starting Motor Components Speclllc model usage may be obtained by reterring to the group showing the main Assembly Number MAIN ASSEMBLY l0EN1lFIGlI1l0N ENGINE 250 In Line 8 Gyl Gas 3058 V 8 Gas 282 In Line 8 Gyl Gas 310 V8 Gas 432 V 8 Gas 350 V 8 Gas 388 V 8 Gas 4 53 ln Line 4 cyl Diesel 421 V 8 Gas 0N418 V 8 Diesel 3200 II 0 Gaterpillar Diesel 1llANSMISSl0N 485 Muncie 4 Speed 5400 New Process 5 Speed 435L New Process 4 Speed 5420 New Process 5 Speed I 8041 Auxiliary Spicer 4 Speed 542L New Process 5 Speed 1041 Auxiliary Spicer 4 Speed 542G0 New Process 5 Speed 1550 New Process 5 Speed 5052G Spicer 5 Speed 1500 New Process 5 Speed 5252A Spicer 5 Speed NT813 Fuller 13 Speelt 51520 Spicer 5 Speed 51588 Spicer 5 Speed MT 840 Allison Auto 58528 Spicer 5 Speed M1 843G Allison Auto MT 850G Allison Auto 280V0 Glark 5 Speed M1 8530llG Allison Auto 282V Glark 5 Speed A1 540 Allison Auto 285V Glark 5 Speed AT 543 Allison Auto 325V Glark 5 Speed AT415 Nydra Matic 35ZI i i Q Q ii 1 Q Q iiiii EIZII EZEIEEE L v SM 301V Glark 5 Speed 8041 Spicer 4 Speed 1041 Spicer 4 Speed SINGLE SPEE0 AXLE N 110 Gorp 11 000 Ib 18121 Eaton 22 000 Ib N 135 Gorp 13 500 lb 23121 Eaton 23 000 Ib N 150 Gorp 15 000 Ib 300S Eaton 30 000 lb N 110 Gnrp 11 000 lh 3408 Eaton 34 000 Ib 11121 Eaton 18 500 ll SLN0 ltocltrrell 34 000 lll SLNI1 Rockwell 32 000 lh GM 34000 Corp 34 000 lb TVI0 SPEE0 AIILE T 150 Gorp 15 000 lll 11221 Eaton 18 500 lll 1 110 Gnrp 11 000 Ib 18221 Eaton 22 000 lb 10201 Eaton 23 000 lll 23221 Eaton 23 000 Ib 4